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Share your quitting journey

DAY 9!

1 8 192

Today was a good day, I stayed busy, spent time with mom, but now that I'm home with nothing to do, I'm craving right now. But I'm focusing on hitting that 200 day mark. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers please...

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8 Comentarios

Great job on 9 days! In the beginning of my quit,I would type various words in the search bar and read blogs or content that populated. It kept me distracted from craves. Try it. Sometimes I came up with good stuff!


You got this! Stay away from the triggers in and around the house.  When I quit, I couldn't go to my mom's house for 2 weeks and quit drinking for 58 days to avoid my triggers.

Prayers for you to stay strong!  Celebrate every milestone and think of how good you feel since you quit!



@Kimshine @ I do this too.  Once I came across a really good play someone wrote. Wish I could find it again.

@BatesK I'm so glad you had a good day. I did too. I'm on day 52. Today was the first day I went the whole day without a crave or urge. Yay!! Keep up the good work!😁❤️🌋🌋 Congratulations on day 9! 


@Snowdoggie I bet the play you saw was one that Giulia did? I wish I knew how to find it for you. Years ago, we would have been able to go to her page to find it but I don't know how to sort through everything to find specific content. That's why I type various words into the search bar, last night I searched "arm"  I just accidentally come across content and sometimes it's really good.🤣

@Giulia can you help us? 



@BatesK Congrats on 9 days.  Find some activities to keep you busy at home.  Do some work around house, go for a walk, video games, etc.  Whatever you enjoy that will distract.Barbscloud_0-1628443849863.png




@BatesK congrats on nine days! Now you are on day 10! You will reach that 200 before you know it! I can’t believe how close I am and it feels like I just quit it, but on the other hand it feels like it’s been forever! The craves will pass quicker if you keep busy doing stuff that is fun. Do you enjoy walking or spending time outside? Do you have hobbies that you like to do? Whatever keeps your mind and hands busy will keep your mind off the craves!




Thanks for the head's up @Kimshine .  I think this is what you're referring to:   A Quit Dialogue in IV Acts

@BatesK   So.... you're now on DAY 10!  How fabulous is that.  That's how we all do it - one day at a time.  It's great that you've set a 200 day goal.  Goals are important to have in this quitting game.  Sometimes we need to  make short-term goals too, and reward ourselves when we accomplish them.   Those rewards are really important.  Of course quitting is the biggest reward, but it doesn't feel like in the beginning!  lol  

As others have said, it's really important to stay busy.  Keep your mind focused on other things.  Try a new hobby that engages your brain.  Origami, for example, or puzzles.  Photography is a great example of how the world changes when we focus on a different object.  You've accomplished in ten days what so many haven't been able to.  Know that, and stick with it.  You're doing great!


@Giulia Thank you! I'm hoping this is what @Snowdoggie was referring to. I don't ever recall seeing any other plays besides this one on the site. Thanks again!