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Share your quitting journey

DAY 1...again

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Here we go again...I'm starting over and today is my Day 1.  I don't want to to have another one! Trying not to beat myself up too badly, but just enough to remember not to smoke again.  How stupid!

Determined to do this.  Loving the support of this grou thus far!


So now you must figure out why you smoked and make different choices.

I don't know if you live with a smoker and have access but, it's a many decision and many step process if you don't have access to them.

You can stop yourself at any step.


You need to really think about what caused you to make that decision to smoke and make a PLAN for what you will do differently this time.  The early days take some effort on your part - but the end result is SO worth it - I promise!



Thanks for being honest, and I am glad you hit the reset button.  We are not here to judge or make you feel bad.  we are here because we do not want to smoke.  And in the process, we want to help others not smoke.  

Make a plan.  Figure out exactly what you are willing to do to stop smoking.  If you think a nicotine replacement will help you, get it.  I personally used the patch and that is what worked for me.  Do more reading.  and more reading.  make a list of why you really want to quit.  It has to Matter why you want to quit.  For me, I needed to feel like I was in control of one thing in my life.  something no one could take away.  the only one that could screw it up was me.  of course, I got the health benefits, saving money, not stinking, not being outside in rain or snow.  etc.  But find your true motivation to quit.  

You can do it.  So, Do it!!


THANK YOU for all of yoru kind words and motivation.  This is it for me!  I really appreciate the support.


Also, if you can realize that what we experience in the early days is not actual pain, it's discomfort.  And some of it is rather extreme discomfort.  We got comfortable with the experience of smoking for all those years we smoked, and now, when we don't do it it makes us uncomfortable.  But it passes, and you will find that every crave you ride through makes you stronger. 

As Terri says, Do it!  Because you definitely can.


Hello! When you first sign on to this site there is a place to track your triggers.It helps you figure out ahead of time the things and times that make you want to smoke the most. From there maybe you can have some things to keep you busy during those times. Come here as much as you can and read. Educate yourself about just what smoking does to you. Because it does nothing for you. Terri Said it Just: DO IT!!!!!! You Can!!

Terrie 17 DOF 


You can do this, now you have shown that you really WANT to! Welcome back.