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Share your quitting journey

Cravings have returned

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It has been 15 days since I quit.  The cravings are really bad today, even with the patch on.  I don't understand why.  I am trying everything.  A tall glass of water, chewing gum, staying busy in the kitchen, nothing is working today.

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Can you take a nice long walk or a hot shower?  Get involved in a movie or go shopping.  Try doing something outside if possible.  Change of scenery sometimes helps.

You are 15 days into this and it will start getting easier every day.  You just have to expect a tough day every now and then and focus on getting past it.  When I have a day like that, the next day is usually fantastic.  Hang in there!!


 take a nap!It works for me


Turn some music on loud and sing and dance around. Stick your head in the freezer.  Do some slow deep breathing.  It will pass.


At 15 days, it's easy to fixate on that "one good cigarette". Please, take the time to remind yourself that there is no such thing as 'just one cigarette". They come in a pack of 20, and that's a wicked temptation. And while the thought of smoking "just one" may be driving you crazy today, you know in your heart that you definitely do NOT want to smoke the other 19. Sometimes we romanticize the "joy" of having just one while forgetting the sadness and shame that would come from smoking the other 19.

Don't let the addiction get all romantic with you, okay? It never cared for you then, and it won't care for you now. And it most certainly will not care about you if you finally get sick.

Lastly, if you are able to get outside and walk, do it! Please! It's a powerful cravebuster.


Nicotine might be painting itself as a welcomed guest does that from time to time - it's a master at it -- BUT just take a moment to see it for what it truly is.....

Nicotine is evil, and self only wants to control you and destroying you is no problem for the nicodemon because it only thinks of itself....

So kick the bastard out the are worth way more than it possible to get some exercise in?  I find that to be helpful....

You will survive today, and tomorrow will be better....hang in there, this is perfectly normal and it gets much, much better (((HUGS)))


That happened to me too 😕 a lot of deep breaths helped me 🙂

Happened to me too! Ruff!! It must be that two week-ish crave.

Don't "fight" the crave, FEEL it, allow it to wash over you and realize that you survived it. If possible, try to figure out what triggered it.  It might actually be that you are getting stronger and the Nicodemon is making a real try to get you back.  It's not about fighting the craves, it's about recognizing them, realizing that they WILL go away whether or not you smoke.  I remember thinking that was not possible but it IS not only possible, it is true.  Look at all of those days you have behind you, think of yourself as moving forward in an imaginary line.  Do you really want to go back to the beginning?  You can do this, there are definitely some uncomfortable times, some emotional ones, listen to the "elders", read, remember WHY you quit, think of how terribly disappointed you would be if you smoked now.  Please hang in there, if it gets worse, put the word HELP in the subject of your blog.

We have all been there or are going's worth every uncomfortable moment!


So i went to a neighbor's house who does not smoke to try to take my mind off of the cravings,  It WORKED!   Had a nice converstion with her about what is going on in her life and before i knew it 2 hours had passed.  WHEW.  Thanks for all the suggestions and support.    


I'm so glad you found something that took your mind off of it!  The craving is normal but you did great. You craved but you didn't cave!!! Focus your mind on something totally different when you get a crave. Don't allow it to rule your thoughts.

Congratulations on hanging tuff!


Yay! Way to kick Nic to the Curb! You're getting stronger, your getting cleaner, you're getting healthier!!!