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Cravings are calling

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I know everyone is probably sleeping.  I am on day 7, made it a week so far and I am SO happy about it.  I have been thinking about smoking all day though... like more than I have been all week!  What's up with that?! 

I know it's the habit, it's the 'something to do'.  But, it's driving me nuts!  I won't give in, I will protect my quit.  I just looked at my countdown clock again, and it helped.  I looked at Breathe Free's countdown clock, and it helped too!!!!  Amazing, 55 days!  I am so excited to make it there.

I've tried to quite before, but I was never excited about it.  I am ready for this one.  It's real.  It's going to better my future.  I am so happy to finally be ready to look forward to my future.  🙂

I feel better already, and craving less now that I've blogged.  Thanks for this place to do it!!!


Hey there!  i'M STILL up!  Was looking up stuff for the bonfire tomorrow!  Anyway I wanted to pass along a tip I used when those craves hit me.  I noticed that they were accompanied with lots of tension. Someone suggested stretching exercises and they really helped. Also.. drink a tall (or bottle ) of ice cold water. Don't sip it... drink within a short period of time.  Both of these things worked well - I hope they help you!


 7 days is awesome. You CAN do this - keep going! 


I'm up. too! I understand how frustrating this one is but very common! It's your nicodemon realizing that you are totally serious and not just "quitting" to appease some loved one or fool yourself that you "tried" . He feels threatened and is kicking and screaming for his survival! This is your biggest challenge yet and for a lot of folks it's also the biggest challenge they'll ever have to face - Isn't that cool? If you can make it through this one, you have probably beat the monster for good? You have made it through some major hurdles already and you CAN make it through this! Exercise does help and so does taking up your favorite passion. For me it was art, for you it might be music or writing or maditation, many things - anything you recall being so encompassing that you "forgot" to smoke! It will get you refocused on something else! That's what I did and it really helped! I KNOW you CAN do this and you will feel soooooooooooo good when you get through it! You will have many more tools for your quit tool box and come out feeling more of an Exer than ever before! Remember, the question isn't do I smoke or not smoke - the question is "What do I do instead?"


7days is awesome! The thoughts about smoking are common in the first few weeks and they will get fewer and farther between. Just keep the good attitude going. I don't know if you've ever read any of my comments or my few blogs on here, but I'm a FIRM believer in always striving to keep a positive outlook about not smoking and never feeling like you've "given up" anything. I adopted that attitude from an awesome guy on here named James. A.K.A "The Happy Quitter". What you're doing is all good and you've "given up" nothing positive. Smoking can and will kill you! I feel so much better now. I'll hit 100 days this coming Sun. You'll be there too before you know it. Stay strong and positive and happy to be an ex smoker.


Listen to Thomas ....I know you can do this too!!  I had a tough start (came on board not too prepared or educated about nicotine addiction)....but came with a determination NO MATTER WHAT I AM NOT SMOKING...So I have decided that I have a solid foundation because it wasn't easy and I had to kind of Kick and Scream my way through cravings but each time came through with an even stronger resolve to be a person who doesn't smoke period.   Hang tight to the site like you are doing and be honest and you will definately make it and help others!!  Breathe Free


This time is different for me too.  I realized finally that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by not smoking anymore.  The thing that kept me smoking all these years (fear of gaining weight) hasn't happened.  It's because I'm not letting myself replace cigs with food and I'm working out 4-5 days a week.  They really did nothing for me except take my money, make me cough, and make me smell bad.


Hi Kelly! I haven't met you yet so I checked out your page. LOVE your clock! CONGRATULATIONS on one whole week behind you!!! It will be lots easier and better now. 🙂



I just went through the same thing. Currently I am on day 9 (I think, starting to lose track)  and day 5, 6, and 7 were horrible.  I was constantly thinking about cigarettes and smoking. Trust me for those 3 days I was wondering a bit, and I was thinking … Are you kidding me? It almost seemed like it was getting harder. I wanted the memory of cigarettes, sooooo bad, to leave my mind and I (like you) are pretty set on quitting. I knew I wanted to stay committed to the quit but those days seemed worse than my first 3 days.  Then all of the sudden on the 8th day is seemed to get better. Hang in there gurly, it really will get better, just like all the elders and more experienced exer’s are saying.


Thanks everyone for the advice!  I appreciate it, and am hoping for a wonderful FRIDAY! 🙂