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Share your quitting journey

Cravings and urges

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Do the cravings and urges to smoke ever go away?  I think I already know the answer:  it gets better.  It does get better, right? 

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I have to admit, the other day I thought about the days I use to smoke. I was on my way to work and running late. I remembered that a day like that would probably also involve having to stop and buy cigarettes. Then I'd be even later!

That was it for my thought!

So yes, it gets better.


Hey Kate,

I believe it gets better!!


Yes, things will get better.  Donot dwell on the negative thoughts and keep yourself busy doing other things.  Make a list of all the positives of your Quit.


You need to change your thinking not sit and "miss" sickorettes.  Say goodbye and move on to your future WITHOUT sickorettes.  Then it will get better!  What are you going to do with all the xtra money you have????  Daydream about spending that money on yourself rather than your past life as a smoker!

This is doable Kate....and you've been doing it for almost 13 days now.....keep going...



i follow advice of alan  carr, and look at smoking as a negative, knowing it is an addiction that ciggerettes never tasted good, they don't relax, they are nasty, taste awful and glad i don't smoke, and that smokers wish they didn't smoke, and when i did smoke i wished i could quit all the time. that as soon as i put cigg out i wanted another so i thought about them more when i smoked then i do now. just remember when you smoked and couldn't have one which was probably quite a few times a day. so in reality it is easier and more relaxing to be a non smoker.


YES YES & YES!!! Absolutely! 🙂


it takes around 130 days give or take and you should be to the place you're thinking of.


Oh yes its gets better, lots better and then more better.  You have nothing to miss as you gave up nothing but you gained being better smelling, being able to breath deeply, and having more money to spend on shoes, oh wait thats me with the  Buy whatever you like the best and enjoy.


I am only at day 20 and they are less often. They also changed in nature at about 2 weeks. My thoughts were obsessed with wanting a cigarette before, now I just have this feeling of being hungry!?


yes it gets much better!!!   Have you read Allen Carr? Cuz I think Cindy is right, you need to change the way you think about cigs. Since I quit (3months ago) whenever I see or think of a cigarette, I think of how poisonous it is to me and my baby. I never let myself think of smoking in a good way.