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Share your quitting journey

Cravings Emerge

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Hi everyone, 

I have managed not to smoke for 5 days now and yesterday I started having the cravings for a cigarette. I felt so in control and great about my life the first 3 days, I didn't think I would have any. It dawned on me that I could be going through grief (I read one blog post here about it too). What I think is that I'm depressed because my addiction is losing. That doesn't make any sense, but I mean that the nicotine "monster" is dying. So, my strategy for staying on track is: do everything I can think of that is totally different from smoking (being addicted)! That means, going for multiple walk, eating healthy and enjoying it, wordsearch or sudoku, reafing whatever I can get my hands on to educate my addicted brain, talk to ppl around me instead of craving the next hit and therefore being antisocial, and so much more...


Great work finding your smobriety just for today! Urges and cravings are weird--or so I thought--felt torn when they happened, but it was so satisfying to turn away and win!!! Keep doing what you are doing because it is working.


This is a normal part of quitting. Stick to your plan and use you're tools and you'll be fine.  Be proud of your success; you're doing great.   Congrats on 5 days!



Addiction is strong, it is humbling, and it doesn't care about our plans. Staying on top of this is important, and you're doing a great job thinking through it. Expect the unexpected.


And that is how you do it, one day, sometimes one minute at the time!  Good job in finding things to do with your hands, keep them occupied other than to hold the stick of death!

Keep up the good work, you are on the right path to freedom, congrats!


" I'm depressed because my addiction is losing."  Isn't that interesting.  I suspect only those who have experienced addiction in one form or another can understand that concept.  And I sure do.  I'm GLAD your addiction is losing.  In two days you'll have achieved one week smoke-free.  Then you can REALLY be depressed!  lol  You're doing your homework, you're applying what you've learned - keep doing it.  It's working.  You know, our addiction is so much a part of us, that when we begin to relieve ourselves of it, it really does feel like we're losing a piece of ourselves, that we'll never be the same.  The thing that we don't realize until we get through the process, is that we're the same person.  Just - without the addiction attached.  Stick with it.


5 days of Freedom is super DANIELA040220 ... but still early in the journey and that bad NICOdemon is trying to get you back...keep saying NO and you will get stronger and he gets weaker.  

I find this journey is very similar to the going through the “stages of death/loss”....

pastedImage_3.jpg Happy Saturday hon...keep busy...~ Colleen 516 DOF 


Hope this is day six and you are still truckin' along!  It really DOES get easier, it just takes time...
