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Share your quitting journey

Counting down

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Dear friends,

This will be my last blog until after my surgery on Monday morning.  I am scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 6:30AM for the surgery at 7:30.  I guess it’s best to be the first surgery on the schedule, it will be over earlier in the day.  I will admit that my heart started pounding faster when I got the call, for crying out loud, I go back and forth between excitement and complete terror.  Once again, it is not the pain I am afraid of, it is the possibility of not being able to breathe and needing a ventilator.  THAT scares me and I don’t like being “tied” down, with tubes in my chest connected to wall suction and IV’s and oxygen…you get the picture.  I am promising myself that I will be a model patient (that would be a first).  I am going to do the deep breathing and coughing they want me to do and I am going to get up as soon as they want me to…I am not going to criticize their medical skills no matter what I may think.

For those of you who are into numbers…I am 66 years old, my surgery is on the 16th, I have to be at the hospital at 6:30…now, get ready for THIS…it will be my 666th smoke free day!  Oh, Wednesday, I went to have my lab work and my EKG and the receptionist and two technicians share my birthday 9/9.  Clearly they are much younger but in 66 years, I have never met anyone with the same birthday…hmmmm.

I love you all and I thank you for all of your love and support and your prayers…Nancy (Youngatheart) will be in contact with my youngest daughter who will let her know how things went after the surgery is over.  I could not get through this without all of you.

I have written notes to my husband, each of my children, and my two grandchildren in case things do not go well.  I want them, like you, to know how much you have meant to me and how grateful I am that you have been in my life.  If you comment on this blog and I don’t get a chance to thank you on your message board, please know that it is not that I do not value every single one of you, I just have things to do.

Please keep me and my family in your prayers. You mean the world to me.

30 Comentarios

Lady friend of mine, YOU are just too much!! I love YOU , and all will go well but I don't know about the good patient part. Maybe Carson can help out there. I KNOW that YOU will not be satisfied with their medical skills!! AHA!! THEN YOU will be an excellent patient because YOU'll want to go home so badly and do your OWN doctoring!! Enough out of me!! YOU know how much I love YOU and have already been in touch with Stacy. She loves YOU as WELL!! I'm done!!


Oh Ellen! We love you too! I'm so happy Nancy will keep us up to date. I would be worrying the whole time waiting to hear from you.  Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Love you!


Oh Elvan. I will be praying hard for you from now untill I know you are ok. I am so sorry I have been out of touch for so long.What are you going in for? It sounds very serious and I hope everyone here prays for this wonderful woman!!


Hi Ellen.  So good to hear from you.  I knew the surgery was soon.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers so much lately.  You are going to do fine.  You are so strong.  You amaze me with your strength. I am so glad Nancy will let us know .So many of us will be waiting and watching.  May God bless you and your family.  Love,  Barbara


Oh Ellen I just saw what it is and i an scred right along with you. Just know everyone that knows you loves you!! So you know you are a very big reason that today i am smoke free for over 10 months!! Thank you so very much!!!!!


Blessings to you, Ellen.  Please have a peaceful weekend.  We'll all be thinking about you on Monday.  CP


I am praying for you and your family! Thank you for setting it up for your youngest daughter to talk to Nancy. We will be waiting to hear! Take care, Ellen! We love you!!!! xoxo



Thank you for sharing and please get your bible and read out loud psalm 62 that is what was suggested to me and it really helps me all the time 24/7 in Jesus name amen and amen♥JUST PASSING ON THE LOVE IN JESUS NAME AMEN AND AMEN♥


We all will be praying for you dear sweet Ellen, lots of love and prayers going your way. I am sure your husband must be quite nervous and scared for you too, sending prayers for peace of mind for him. I am so glad you set things up for your daughter to keep Nancy in the loop for all of us anxious friends of yours. ((((Big cyber hugs for you))))



There will be so many prayers, God can't fail to hear them.  And all our thoughts will be with you on Monday.  You are part of our loving family.  You show us how to continue on despite what life throws at us.  And it sure has thrown a lot at you.  Dwell on the excitement, the thought of how much this procedure will HELP you and shun as best you can, the terror. 

We will be here waiting with all the lights a'ablaze for your return.  Bon Voyage.


My prayers to you and your family.


hi ellen      i,m the big macho guy,but you brought some tears to my eyes. your going to come through without a hitch.i always love reading you post. numbers r a good sign. i will be saying a extra prayer for you.


Ellen, you are a part of us and we love you very much. Prayers for you and your family.


I'll be thinking of you, I'll carry the evil part of your quit while you are under but you have to take over on 667.


Godspeed, my dear friend,



Oh Ellen look at all the loving thoughts and think of all the prayers being sent to our Loving God and Father for you Including my own .

I am thinking positive and with faith that all will go well and you will recover with much improved lungs and breathing !

Just like with qitting smoking you must go through some tough times to get through to the other side and you are one strong and beautiful lady !

Thank you for helping me get to 279 wonderful smoke free days Ellen you are an inspiration to me and many here on EX ! I just love You ! We will miss you while you are recovering I miss you already my friend !

Jesus loves you Ellen and so do I !

PS I am so glad your daughter will let us know how you are doing through Nancy. Thanks for being so thoughtful !


Dearest Ellen, I will be thinking of you and praying continually for you all day Monday.  Forget about all of the 6's - it's all a coincedence and being thrown at you now intentionally to make you fear.  You are much bigger and stronger than to fall for something silly like that.  Did you know that a survey has been done and it has been proven that patients in the hospital who have people praying for them do better statistically than people who don't?!  It's true.  You've got the stats on your side!!

Can't wait to hear from you next week.

xo Joy


I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.  I am so happy that you have arranged for Nancy to keep us updated. 


Ellen we all will be with ya. Your gonna be fine my friend. 

Praying,praying fervently for you, your Family and for your Medical Team, Ellen! Can't wait to hear that all went very well! Love and Hugs, my Friend!!!

You can do this!!



Ellen, praying for you and your medical team. I am amazed at your courage and what a great lady that you truly are. also sending prayers for your family.


My dear friend and Ex'er Ellen.  You are already being surrounded by all our live and prayers.  I truly believe that you will be held tightly in healing love.   I know you are scared, and I am scared for you.   But this is beyond our control.  It is about faith.  As for being the model patient---NO NO NO.  You be YOU as you recover.  You be vigilant about your care the same way you are vigilant about your quit!!!  It is who you are and I would want nothing less from you!  Sure, listen and do what they ask you about getting up, coughing, deep breathing.  But you Know standard of care.  Even if you have to croak out an issue, croak away.   I wish I could be there, just to be with and around you.  But if I were, I wouldn't know what you need better than you.   About the strange and unexpected numbers, I believe this is for your final battle against the demon that is nicotine.  You have won every fight since you chose to make this your forever quit.  You will shine in victory.  No one messes with Ellen when she chooses her battle.   

It will be a tough battle, but you've shown us how it's done before.  Love you and your spirit to pieces.  Can't wait for your next blog!!!



Sweet Ellen, I am praying for you and your family!  You are so special to so many!  May God keep you safely in his arms until you return to us.  I love you!!  ((((Huge hugs))))   


Ellen - I know you are going to feel all of the love coming your way on Monday! We will be thinking about you and praying..... You are a tough cookie Ellen - I hope you know that! (I may have told you that before!) You will do fine! 

We will miss you while you are recovering and I am so glad that Nancy will be able to keep us posted. Stay positive - and we will be waiting for you to come back here and tell us all about it! 

Love you Ellen! 


Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow! You are going to do just fine!

My thoughts & prayers will be with you. You are being given a medical miracle (instead of same 'ole same) & you will SOAR! Patty

Have written your name in my prayer book and said the words to the Lord of all creation. You are a family member here and a compassionate person who has been unconditional in love and acceptance of all of us with our many personalities. I pray God's best healing touch, Ellen. Will be waiting to hear of a successful surgery! May God give you an extra portion of His peace.


Look at all the love and friendship you have , I'm going to be right there with you too , praying for you and your doctor's. My daughter is also getting test done at 6:30, so I'll be looking up the meaning of all these #6 s .LoL 

I love you Ellen , you are a mighty lady in a tiny package I know you can and you will do what needs to be done , just be patient with yourself don't push to hard and fast . We love and need you, your friend Donna.


Oh dear Ellen I am very late to this news and know now that your surgery went very well and you are doing well in ICU!!! 

I can't wait until you are back with your family and here with your friends. How miraculous is it that a surgery like this is even an option! So grateful for that. 

You are in my thoughts and prayers and the same goes for all the people who have grown to know and love you here on EX.

Talk to you soon!      teddyjoy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Acerca del autor
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.