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Computer crap

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I might be off line for a day or two.  I bought an "open box" computer from Best Buy that is not functioning as it should so my son and his fiancee are taking it back today.  The store is over an hour away and they are going to the movies afterwards so I have this borrowed Macbook but it has issues as it randomly deletes things I have saved in folders and it decides what email to download and doesn't download the rest.  I got an iPhone yesterday and I am trying to get used to that...the Verizon store was supposed to transfer all of my contacts and photos to my new phone from my "dumb" phone.  Unfortunately, the photos were all lost and most of them were of my three cats...the most recent pictures that were taken.  There was no card in the phone and they are not sure what happened but they are gone and they did not exist anywhere else.  It was pretty traumatic but I am dealing with it, without smoking.  I miss them so much and I guess I always will, my daughter had some pictures on her phone that she had not sent to me before but now I have those and they are better than nothing.  I will keep them on my computer as well as my phone and I will guard them with my life! 

If I do not post or do not comment on is the computer issue.  I had several blogs in a folder that I planned to read and comment on but they disappeared and I have no idea if I will see them again when I get a new computer with my old emails in it.

I hope everyone is well, it is wet, gloomy, and cold here.  I would love to snuggle down under the covers but I need groceries.

Love to all,


10 Comentarios

I'm sorry for the problems but confident it will get worked out. You know how to reach some of us in the mean time.


That I do and this Macbook works sometimes...I cannot understand why it randomly deletes stuff.  When I would get on the one I am sending back, the stuff would be there, go figure.  I have to send the defective one along with some $ or my card with my son so I can get something I can use.

I am sure it will get worked out.


emails are on their servers so they will always be accessible unless you delete them


Oh Ellen so very sorry that they lost your precious photo's. This happened to me one time when I changed phones,I was so mad at the guy,all he said was i'm sorry I'm new here!!! etc. Accident's happen and nothing that we can do about them. I'm glad your daughter had some to share with you. Your memories are all you need my friend,Those are the ones that keep you going strong. I hope your not down long,I miss ya already. proud of you.:)

So sorry Ellen. I know that's a heartbreak all over again! :(. So glad your daughter had some pics. FYI I have the BecomeanEx mobile APP downloaded on my IPhone. (It was free). I use it all the time and it'll keep you in touch. Can't do special stuff - at least I can't - but read and write blogs and messages it's great. You are right this day is sure dreary. Sending you a (((hug)))! ox Ann

Bless YOU, Ellen! I am no help here. I'm glad you have family help. Love YOU, though!!

I'll send you a ((((((((Ellen))))))))) and XOXOXO.

Candy          13      DOF


Hey you, I am so sorry about your pics getting lost of your precious cats. I don't understand all this computer stuff but I'm slowly learning. I have a lot of pics on my tablet I sure wouldn't want to lose, mostly pics of the grandchildren and family . I hope that your computer problems get solved soon. 



I am technically challenge , but seems weird the old phone didn't have a Sims card.But at least you have a few right ?

I used to have a ferret , he was truly awesome , any and everyone would agree he was so , so special , I have one picture of him . :  (   But , ...grateful to have that one picture.

He's been gone more that 15 years , and it was only recently that I was able to throw away his little sleeping bag . My sweet Kato. 


I hope everything works out for u!


Ellen the way you're dealing with all the technological challenges and no reaching for a cigarette is absolutely awesome! That is so great. As for the phone and computer stuff I think we can all identify with that. Sometimes I wonder if the "good old days" were indeed good. 

Keep up the great attitude and you're doing so great.

Acerca del autor
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.