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Share your quitting journey

Completely and Unconditionally

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~~She decided to practice loving herself completely and unconditionally.  She deserved to give herself what she so freely gave to her family and friends.~~  Queenisms


So this week-end I am getting my hair cut because it's beend driving me crazy.  It may sound simple but I hate spending money on myself so this is a big deal to me 🙂

What are you going to do for yourself this week-end?  It doesn't have to cost money.  It could be a quiet cup of coffee out on the back porch.  Taking a hike.  Letting the dishes stay in the sink while dancing to the radio.

But please, please remember that you deserve yourself what you so freely give to your family and friends!!  Patience, kindness, deserve all that. 

Treat yourself well, my dear quitters!!  You are worth it.  And share if you feel like it....what are you going to do?

Love to you all,



I can so relate to last haircut was in October of 2013 and boy do I need one but not this weekend.  I might make cupcakes, might watch Maleficent which I rented yesterday but was too tired to watch...I will have to think about it.  I am still thinking about the quote yesterday...She loved life and life loved her back! Now there is THIS one!

Have a wonderful weekend, Sherri.

Love right back to you, Ellen


I really loved this post. Thanks . Have a great day.


I am going to take my pup Emma Sue for an extra walk!  I am going to go out to dinner tonight with my partner!  I am going to read!  I am going to write some letters that I am behind on!  So many things I can do!!!  🙂


I got my hair cut today it was driving me crazy, I have the 10 yr old grandson for the day tomorrow .Sunday I think the hubby and I will relax. He is working away next week, gone Monday back on Friday. 



I'm going to curl up with a book and READ!

I'm having quality bonding time with my electric blanket!!!!! And Abby of course!!

I am going to look for nice things I can do for others.  I will RELAX because I work under stress all week long.  I HATE winter so I have to give myself a tune-up each year in my attitude.  It's going to be 25 degrees and sunny.  I will bundle up and take a nice long walk all the while considering this to be an exciting journey for me to do out in the cold.

Now, Sheri, you have me quite curious.  With all of your awe inspiring positive quotes you give us each day....``She decided to practice loving herself completely and unconditionally.  She deserved to give herself what she so freely gave to her family and friends.~~  Let's see...your hair is driving you crazy, you need a haircut, YOU practice loving yourself completely and unconditionally, YOU DESERVE to give yourself what you so freely give to your family and friends.  You are not out of the loop here.  YOU deserve this haircut also.  Why would spending money on yourself make a difference?  Money is just a thing.  Unless this haircut would really make a hardship on your finances (which I doubt), then I say you DESERVE to go for this JOYFULLY!!  Overindulgence in spending money on things for ourselves is another topic.

I would love to see you post your new haircut tomorrow!!  And, I hope, you enjoyed every minute of pampering yourself.


I am having fun this weekend by chain sawing up part of the dead oak that came down and then hand splitting it.  (Great way to get rid of anger!)  It keeps me warm on a cold day, builds my upper body in a way that is a lot more fun than conventional free weights, helps keep my weight level down AND I get to be OUTSIDE!!!!  I can then come in after three hours,  do 30 minutes of aerobics and feel rather proud of myself at the age of 65!  I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up.  But I'm sure as heck gonna try my best to do so until my body quits on me.  (No doubt by such abuse I'm hastening that.  lol)    I will not go quietly into the night!

Hair - I gave up on a month ago.  Had it all chopped off.  Was losing lots and it looked awful.  Now I'm short and sassy and I love it.  If you'd suggested years ago that I should try a short "do" I would have freaked.  Changes CAN be good!  HA!  It's all in the mindset!  I am strong, because I am malleable.  Like a long-lived tree I bend, may break at times, but heal and grow and continue on. 

Thanks for your offering.