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Cold Turkey Day 3. Ugh.

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3 days ago, I decided I never wanted to smoke again.  I had been smoking a pack a day for close to 20 years, smoking daily for nearly 25 years.  But suddenly I decided I had enough.  

I didn't want to pick a quit date, I just wanted to quit.  So I did.  Cold turkey.  Except 67 1/2 hours later, I feel like chewing my arm off.  Not sure exactly why, if it's to stop the incessant tapping of my fingers or if it's simply out of sheer boredom.  

This constant nagging feeling that I'm forgetting to do something is totally on my nerves.  And I find it very irritating that the thing I'm "forgetting to do" is smoke.  If only I could think of something else that I'm forgetting to do and just go ahead and do that thing instead, maybe I can relax for a minute or 2.

At this point, I'm about 1 breath of fresh air away from speeding to the store for the patch or some Nicorette or something.  ANYthing to help me feel like I'm not losing my mind.  Anything except a pack of smokes.  (I WILL exhibit self-control)

Would it be stupid 3 days into this to start putting the nicotine into my body again?  (Via the patch or the gum, not via the cancer stick.)  


Welcome!  You have come to us with some catching up to do!  First and most important, you need to read,"The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr.  This is an easy, entertaining read that contains a wealth of good information on what nicotine does to your body and mind.  Here is a link to a free PDF!

As well, do the lessons and readings on and

The idea when you get that "nagging feeling" is to distract yourself.  Read the stuff suggested above, play a computer game - anything to get your mind off the fact that you are wanting a cigarette.  Some folks find taking a slow, deep breath also works.  That crave should only last three minutes, whether you smoke or not.  You can find other distraction ideas on blogs on my page.

I would try distracting before putting nicotine back in your body.  But if you try doing this on a routine basis and it's not helping, then I would recommend the patches over the gum.  There is a danger with the gum of becoming addicted to IT because you control the dose.


Quit 7/4/12


Welcome to the site! Nancy about said it all! Start reading and put together a 'quit kit'! I had a bag with craft supplies, a book, my IPad, cinnamon sugar free gum and a deck of cards! You get the idea! I found 15 slow deep breathes usually got me through to the next crave. Fifteen jumping jacks will do the same thing!

I would try to avoid putting the nicotine back! You've done three days without nicotine, why do them again!


I'll definitely read that pdf, and thanks for the 'quit kit' suggestions!  I'd like to tough it out without the nicotine replacement, but this is harder than I was expecting.  I've been doing the deep breaths too and that does help (feels good to be able to breathe easier after only 3 days!)    🙂


Hey you out there, I'm having a moment, it is day 1 for me, this is the 5 o'clock temptation, I'm so glad you all have written as I'm reading instead of smoking.  This time of day may be harder than the morning!!  I have lozenges, will put another on the underside of mly tounge, and read the pdf, re kit.

Thank-you for being out there for me.



you can do this, one day at a time. congrats on day3


Welcome to the site! I'm so happy to read that you'll do the reading because it is sooo helpful to many, many people.  

I would add, to stay close to this site. Blog your thoughts and feelings, and any questions,..... and read the blogs on here. Especially pay attention to what the EXperts and Elders say.  EVERYONE on here can be a great help and support, and the people who quit years ago yet stay on this site to help guide us, really know how to stay quit. A lot of them have helpful things on their pages, if you click on their avatars, too.

As for going on an NRT 3 days into your quit..... whatever works. BUT, after 72 hours the nicotine is out of your system so, personally, I wouldn't do that. There are two parts to this addiction; the physical and the mental/emotional. The physical is easy. Like Nancy said, a physical crave lasts about 3 minutes. The problem I found, was that my mind could take that 3 minute crave and feed it (by dwelling on it) and make it last much longer. Allen Carr's book really helped me to realize that. 

Distraction is the key. Its not easy at first, but it gets easier with practice. Arguing with outselves ("I want one"  "No, you don't"  "Just one.. I need it"  "You can't have one")  Well, that doesn't work in the long run.  I found it helpful to not allow negative thoughts. The moment I felt a crave, or had a smoking thought, I kicked it out by stating a positive, "I don't do that anymore. What can I do instead?"  Distract, distract, distract!!!   I used sugarless hard candies, took a lot of showers, brushed my teeth a lot, watched funny youtube videos, read books.... my friend bit into a lemon (rind and all) which changes your focus instantly!  Jumping jacks, funny movies (laughing outloud is the best crave buster).

I hope something I've typed here is helpful. Drink lots of water, sleep as much as you can and, remember, it gets easier! The crave will pass as long as  you don't smoke!  You can do it, and we're all here to support you so don't give up!! 


I quit cold turkey over 3 years can do it and the benefit is----you're not "giving" money to cigarettes OR patches or gum!!!  It is certainly your choice but I would not go back to putting nicotine in your body after three days. The patches and/or gum are not are still going to go through the uncomfortable parts of the quit. And, it is just that------uncomfortable. I know when you are "in it" you think it is worse...but after, looking back, you realize there are many,many worse things.

I came on this site almost hour by hour in my first months and read everyone's blogs and all the comments and blogged on my own journey. I also went to and read ALL the articles there....over and over.

You can do this especially with the help of this's fantastic. Stay Strong.


You guys are ALL Amazing.  Thanks for all the feedback... I'm definitely taking it to heart.  and will make good use of all of your suggestions.  


Yay! They're all so smart! Listen to them!!!

Youngatheart has a list on her page of 100 things to do instead of smoking. I've read it before elsewhere, but it's AWESOME. Just run through the list. You won't get through but two before the crave is done.