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Cigarettes have broken my heart!

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I have known for quite some time that cigarettes are killers. They do irreversable damage to those who smoke them as well as those who breathe what the smoker is exhailing, causing numerous "smoking related" diseases, many of which end in death, but I never imagined in a million years that they would cause death and so much destruction in this way!
Last night I received a telephone call saying there had been a fire at the home of some very dear friends of ours. The husband was killed, and his wife was in critical condition in ICU, as well as their 2 year old granddaughter. I was stunned, and horrified, and heartbroken all at once.
And what do you think the cause of this fire was????? You guessed it, a smoldering CIGARETTE in the living room chair!!!!
Because of nicotine addiction I have lost a very dear friend, and quite possibly could loose another. Because of nicotine addiction a little girl will grow up physically scared, if not emotionally as well. Because of nicotine addiction I'll never again on this earth see Jerry's warm smile or hear him say, "Hey B", and because of nictoine addiction, if my friend makes it, she'll have to live her life without her husband, in God only knows what condition.....and for what??? For a cigarette?
We think this can't happen to us? THINK AGAIN!!!
It's one more reason to quit if you haven't, and one more reason to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF if you have already quit!!!
Beth I am so sorry and will say some prayers for your friend and that precious child, how horrible for all of them and for those that love them..
I am sorry.
This is another horrible side effect that most people don'te even consider.
Awwww, I am soooo sorry to hear!!! I guess it's at least a good thing we never smoked in our house. Wow, I know a lot of people that have kids that do smoke in their house. I bet they never even considered that happening.
hugs and prayers to you
i will pray for you & the family! i am so sorry....we all need reasons to quit but not like that! hugs to your heart!
Oh my God, all my love and prayers with you and your loved ones!!!
Hugs, hugs and more hugs for you, girlfriend. I am so saddened by this. It is true. Every bit of everything you said. I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way. If you need me, holler.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I will keep you and your friends in my thoughts.
Thinking about you! So, so sorry! Smoking has NO purpose anymore, never did, but no more!
Keep positive thoughts this weekend Beth and visit all your friends here, We're here for you!
Take care and keep in touch! YOU can do this!
Beth, I am speechless...I am sorry, I lost two sisters in a house fire, but it was due to lightening stricken the house....I know what this does to a family...because it was my heart reaches all the way from KY to OK and believe me in this moment it is, every bit of it....please try to stay calm....I am so sorry, for I know there are no words that will comfort you now, but know that Christ is with you.....HE will stay with your family and your friends family...all my prayers go out to you my dear, dear friend. Please let me know if I can do anything for you...ANYTHING.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your friends will be in my prayers.
I'm really sorry about your friend. But your right, you will need to help his wife through a rough time.She will need you to be strong for her and I know you can and will, Beth. You have stood up to this addiction and kicked it to the curb, so I know you have the streignth that I speak of..... Please know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and his family.
heart and prayers go out to you and this family. so sorry......
Oh! Beth
This is heartbreaking...and I am so sorry.
All my prayers to this lady and this precious baby.
You and all the loved ones effected by this tragedy.
Thank you for finding in your heart to share...
maybe it will help someone out there to see why
they should not smoke.
(((Hugz))) & God Bless
I'm just now catching up and reading some blogs.
I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. This is so awful.
I do hope that you are hanging in there sweetie...Your friend is going to need so much of "YOU" and I know that "YOU" have so much to give....Still praying and won't stop. Christ be with you honey.
I am speechless....absolutely speechless !!! My heart goes out to you, Sweetie.....this is a terrible thing to have happened. You are strong - stronger than you will be a BIG help to this her, and you help yourself !!!!!
I am here....always...if you need me !!!!!
Oh Beth, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know I am sending you strength.
Oh my Gosh, Beth, prayers being said for you for strength, and prayers for the family involved in the fire.
((((((Beth)))))) I am so sorry for all of you!! My heart goes out to you all at this time.