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Share your quitting journey

Christmas Party

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I am soooo amped that I have made it to 15 days without on puff or drag!!!  quitting drinking has definatley helped the cause, no doubt!  however, big anxiety for tonight, xmas party....lots of booze and friends that puff.  Good news is that it will be like 10 degrees outside, that right there should prevent me from going outside.  However, I am on shaky ground already, and I am not even there.

OK--Game Plan!!  Limit my alcohol intake, drink lots of club soda/cranberry juice in between, keep moving around the room making conversation.  And keep resolving not to take another puff!!  I don't want to disappoint my husband, he is soooo proud that I have made it this far!!

Thanks again for all the previous support, and the support going forward my panty hose friends!!!  lol!!!

6 Comentarios

15 days!  Wow, that's so cool


Way to go on your 15 days Mikki!!!! That's awesome!!! Good luck on your big trial tonight,,it's bound to happen that we all must gather with our old smoking buddies and no time like the holidays. That's hard to get out of,,so I wish you the best of luck,,You CAN do it!!! Just think, no burn holes in your panty hose,,haha


Have Fun!!!




Sounds like you've got a good plan. One other thing, you might want to latch onto some non-smoking friends at the party, tell 'em you are 15 days without cigarettes, and let their encouragment be a reinforcement tonight. You'll be gettin mad props from any ex-smokers in the crowd.

You'll do fine.


I here ya on the cold. I'm cooking a roast outside and it's 13 degrees. I don't even think about smoking anymore, but you just made me stop and think what it used to be like to have to go stand out there and inhale a cigarette. Wow, being a nicotine addict was SO stressful. I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore! Brrrrrr.


Sounds like a good plan.  Have fun!

Just think, we can wear mittens in the cold now!


SNAP BAM!!!  I MADE IT!!  holy cow!!!  It definatley wasn't the easiest night, but to know that I made it out the otherside, still smoke free.....oh....what a feeling!!

and all of my friends....THANK YOU!!!  having this support group around me is amazing!!!  all of us together CAN DO IT!!!!!  can't wait to hit my next mile stone!!!!

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 34 minutes and 41 seconds (16 days). I have saved $64.08 by not smoking 160 cigarettes. I have saved 13 hours and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 12/2/2009 7:31 AM