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Christmas Eve and 708 Days and Counting!

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Hi everybody

Hope you all are having a great Christmas Eve! I could use some snow to get the festivies moving along, but alas... it just ain't gonna happen. We got our .5 inches of snow for the year. Maybe next year!

You newbies out there...hang tough, but don't beat yourself up if you screw up and have a smoke. This is a tough time... family, friends, kids, dogs, neighbors and they are all going a little nuts. Thank goodness there isn't a full moon tonight or we'd all be in deep kimshee! : )

If you do light one up tonight and maybe even tomorrow... get over it and move on. The holidays don't last forever and all will pass. What is important is to not just toss your hands in the air and say 'screw it!" That would be bad.

Come back on here at becomeanex and write in your blog... clear up your soul, heart and head for another go around. This is a 'you can't shit a shitter' site. We've all been there. Stand up and say " I'm so and so and I'm a smoker and I wanna be an ex smoker and I grabbed my friend's smoke last night and not only inhaled, I smoked the whole dang thing and it tasted good!" Be honest and move on.

So there ya have it. Enjoy the holiday and don't get down on yourself... life is too dang short, and tomorrow the sun is going to come up and you can start working towards quitting again.

With that, sleep well and hopefully Santa will be good to you, or at least maybe he won't bring you sticks and coal!

Ciao, my friends in quitting. Merry Christmas. Watch out for Santa and don't run him over. Now that would be a bad thing. : )


sorry but i don't agree with your cavalier attitude about smoking. you make it sound so easy and without repercussions.

one leads to another and another and another


i do agree with the part about not beating yourself up and not giving up but when you start making allowances you're in trouble and you put yourself there.


wow that is a very huge number, grats


Congratulations On Your Quit Hattie. Merry Christmas

We miss you around here.

I just wanted to present the opinion that hinting it's not so bad to have a smoke and easy to just start over may not be the best message and might lead someone right back into slavery.


Yeah, one can lead to another and another... but folks beat themselves up too much. Better they should hang around here and get the help they need, not think that people are going to bad mouth them for slipping. I thought that was one of the greatest things about this place... all the folks help and encourage and don't toss you out on your ear when 'stuff' happens. That alone is what helped me push on and not screw up. Maybe it's reverse psychology, but when folks will still work with you even if the road is bumpy, is pretty big stuff to me. Maybe I said it badly, but I believe in the support system here... screw up, and we will stll care.

Years ago i quit... tried to quit smoking. Of course people noticed and commented on it all the time... co-workers and what not. I had a bad spate in life and I did start smoking again.

You cannot believe the crap I got from people. 'Yeah, we knew you wouldn't make it!" We knew you couldn't stay off the smokes."

I felt pretty small and it hurt pretty badly.

When I quit the 700 and some days ago, I didn't tell a soul, I just came here when I found becomeanex. I was with a bunch of folks going through the same thing. I quit and I've stayed quit because you understand and you've been there, and are not for the most part what I call "Born Again Smokers,' who are fairly militant in my point of view. They will really jump on your shit, not to put too fine a point on it.

When you are going through a tough time that can last years and the 'born again smokers' and nay sayers... other smokeers who can't quit are on your case, it feels like all is lost and the 'who gives a shit' comes into it and the smoking starts again.

Am I making any sort of sense here?

I just can't see jumping on someone and going all preachy. The ol' 'been there done that!'

So, if I did not wield the whip properly... too bad, that's not my style. I think if someone is willing to give quitting a go... good for them... it may not take the first time... try again. Different strokes for different folks.  

Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas and congrats on your great quit Hattie!


I  am a newbie on here and I appreciate your words of encouragement and support.