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Share your quitting journey

Cheryl_1-1-14 Archived Profile

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1/1/14 Day 1:     I've smoked like a pro for 33 years.  Pack and a half, sometimes 2 packs a day.  My only child just got married and I can't wait to get my hands on my future grandchildren.  Can't imagine doing that smelling like an ashtray.  Can't imagine not wanting to be with them for long periods of time because I need a smoke.  Can't imagine not feeling up to playing with them.  That's exactly where I was headed, and I'm not okay with that. 

I recently realized that smoking was completely running my life.  It was a major factor in absolutely everything I did.  I had to plan things around it.  Last month I booked a separate hotel from my coworkers just so I could smoke.  How stupid is that? 

I look around and see people who don't smoke and they seem to function just fine.  Guess I really don't NEED it.  Can't say "I want my life back" because I never really had one without cigarettes.  Time to take control and see how the other side lives.  Enough is enough.  Time to kill this demon before it kills me!!

2/1/14 Day 32:      I've made it a month.  Can't believe I'm actually doing this!!  Who would have thought I could ever be a non-smoker?  Certainly not me!!  Still having to work the process but I'm SO glad I decided to give myself this gift.  One day at a time.  Every day is a blessing. 

3/6/14 Day 65:      2 months of being a non-smoker.  Just came off the patch and felt NOTHING.  Cold Turkey is great but if you really want to quit and you want a little help, the patch is awesome!!  Glad I used itThese folks were not kidding when they said it gets easier.  I am no longer consumed by thoughts of smoking.  It's still there, every day, but it's just a thing I used to do and I have no desire to go back to that pathetic life.  I value this new found freedom way too much to loose it now.  Life is good and I'm sure it just keeps on getting better.  Thank God and thank the people in this community......and thank ME!!  SO GLAD I DID THIS!!!!!

4/1/14 Day 91:     3 months smoke free!!  Still think about it every day but after smoking most of my life, I can't expect to just forget about it so quickly.  Thinking about it just reminds me how much I'm glad I don't do it anymore.  I don't ever want to do it again.  Still relearning how to do some things as a non-smoker.  Still wondering if I can really never ever smoke again.  I think I can..............

5/3/14 Day Something:  4 months into my new life and I'm in a funk.  I won't smoke.  Don't even want to smoke.  Just trying to get used to the new me.  Been a little tough lately but I'm not giving up.  I've gained too much and have too much to lose.

My baby Justice  

My baby Jasper  

My newest baby Harley!  

Brief Description

Hi, I'm Cheryl.  I'm 49 and married 30 years.   I have a 25 yr old son who is my pride and joy and a few other youngins around his age who he's brought home over the years and have adopted me.  Just the hubby and I and the 2 dogs at home now so might as well give this quit smoking thing a try.  Here goes nothing.....Or everything.  We'll see!!





typical southern girl stuff.  playing in the mud, floating in the river, floating in the lake, floating in the pool (i like to float), cookouts, bonfires, photography, computer games, working in my yard and envying the life of my spoiled rotten dogs. my new passion is riding the new harley.  it was supposed to be "our" anniversary present but i ride it more than he does.


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