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Chantrix - It helps

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My quit date was today, but I actually quit yesterday. The Chantrix is extremely helpful, smoking doesn't even taste good. I am on my 3rd week of Chantrix, for those of you who have taken this before and are now a non-smoker, how long do you need to take the Chantrix so that the urges feel the same way when you go off the drug?
I'm just a little past three weeks on Chantix, and I really think it's up to the individual. I had a craving so bad yesterday afternoon I was almost in tears (but stayed strong!), so I know I'm nowhere near ready yet. Others have said that after a few weeks they're no longer having any urges and feel comfortable going solo. I would say that anything less than a month is taking a gamble, but then everyone is different.
I am thinking I would like to stay on it forever 🙂 I tell you I don't want to go back. I saw another blog on the gentleman who has cancer and that is eye opening - I feel terrible for him and at the same time feel like it is a great story to tell on this forum. We still have a shot, if we can kick it now. Looking for any advice on how to stay strong and experiences with Chantrix and how long to take it.
I've only been on it 4 days but have read all the literature that comes with it and been on their website. From what I've been reading it's recommended at least 12 weeks but you and your doctor can extend that up to a year.

I'm hoping to be on it ,,,then off by week 12. I'm tired of messing up. i want to get past those first 12 crucial weeks.
the main thing is to stay on it till you feel comfortable with getting off. i stayed on it for 32 days, i realized that i would just have to deal with the desire to smoke on my own. the Chantix gave me the start and help i needed, but it did not take all the desire away, i still had to fight through that myself, so i just did not take it ant more. i now have a year of being smoke free,nothing is ever going to take the desire away, unless you stick with quitting, it does get easier. PEACE!
Wow only 32 did you react to the Chantix? I am a little restless sleeping and though the dreams have not been as intense as the first two weeks, it seems I am getting used to it and not as tired anymore. That is great that you are smoke free for a year, I hope to be there next year.
I have been on it now for 43 days. Since May 25? I decided I would stay on it 60 days, 8 weeks and I am nearing the end. I am doing great but still sometimes have an urge.Im not sure if that will ever go away. I really do think it differs for everyone as well. I have no side effects at all now. But I am comitted to this process and a long life with my husband and beautiful children. I am amazingly proud to say that as of today, I have been smoke free for 36 days!!!! I will continue to take it one day at a can do this no matter what! Get inside your head and make that decision! The ciggerettes are not worth your of luck and I will keep you in my prayers!
Congrats! 🙂
I quit smoking over 8 months ago with help from chantix and this web site...
I would quit the chantix sooner than 3 months if you are strong enough... Its a crutch... so the sooner your off the crutches the better chance you have for making it a life long process...
I quit taking it as prescribed after a month and just took it when I was "having a bad day"
One day I realized that it had been 3 weeks without a pill so I decided to quit the chantix altogether....
So far so good... not one puff since October
Did it work right away when you just had a bad day or does it take a while to hit your system?
I am nearing the end of my script.I have decided to wean off the pills. I was instructed to gradually start the medicine so I'm figuring it's best,for me, to go this route.
I think this medication is as individual as our quits.
You know i was wondering the same thing. Do you feel like you are at day one when you quit the chantix?