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Share your quitting journey

Celebrate your milestone

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You get a new job, you celebrate. It's your birthday, you celebrate. You quit smoking, yes, that's right. You celebrate. You're working to improve your health and lifestyle.

Is anything worth celebrating more than quitting smoking? You've made your friends and family happy, and may have put more money in your pocket by not buying cigarettes. You've committed to quit and are on your way to staying quit. If that's not worth celebrating, what is? All these things deserve something special.

Need some ideas for ways to celebrate? You'll find them in today's activity. Plan a get-together with your support network and other friends

  • Go to a nice restaurant with your spouse or a friend
  • Buy yourself something special
  • Indulge yourself with a movie or massage
  • Take a day trip to a place you've always wanted to go
  • Treat yourself to a theater/concert/sporting event
  • Allow yourself a day to relax and do whatever your heart desires


Love that cake!  I use to never spend money on me, just my children but since I quit smoking I do treat myself to little things why not... I use to burn money up why not enjoy it now!


This is how I celebrated my quit.  I got into a new hobby, and this is my new toy...

Old Town Vapor 10 XT Recreational Kayak (10 Feet)

Ima, did you bake that yourself, or did your little forest friends help you???  Interesting colors.  Hmmmm, I wonder where you and your little friends got the dyes for the it?


You left out celebrating on the Freedom Train! But I am not offended     at all, too much, very much, much, to speak of   by being neglected! I am sure it was a simple oversight! I am still happy! { 😞


I quit on valentines day. fortunately for me Februrary was a short month so I am celebrating 1 month as a non smokerl  Hooray for me.  Thank all of you for this site.  I am celebrating by buying me a charm I get to buy one every month I succeed and at the 12 months I get to buy my last charm and a really nice charm bracelet.  This will be my lifetime reminder of my success.


I don't know why, but the Brady Bunch theme song popped into my head when I saw the cake! Thank you Ima!

Rose I love the hobby idea, but have to say I am not much of a boat enthusiast. I am a bed and breakfast snob, with a love of art, food, theater, and music.

Although, I probably spend all of my saved cigarette money on gas.

Pir8, you are a such a kind heart and I would never neglect you. I will bring the mimosa's, cheese, and some bones for Max! I will sit next to you up front and keep you company if there is room.

Snuggles that is a really good idea. The Swarovski store that makes crystal figurines, began making charms and bracelets. They are a decent price and beautifully made. You should take a look online. Congratulations on your first month. I am on day 19, and ready to say year 19!


roseanmtdcute.gif animated rose


50 Days for me today!!! Yay! Last night I baked my first ever batch of muffins from SCRATCH! Whole Wheat Oatmeal Blueberry Muffins! They're dairy free (vanilla coconut milk in lieu or regular stuff) and made with RI fresh eggs 😄  I brought them to share at work and everyone loves them!  I'm so proud 🙂