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Share your quitting journey


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I am reposting this blog because I just went back and read some of my early blogs and this one makes me smile...some of the others make me laugh out loud.  In any event, a lot of people have come and gone and I wanted to post it again, forgive my ego:

Become an Ex is a lot like a crazy quilt.  My understanding of a crazy quilt is that is it all kinds of different fabrics sewn together into a quilt, not necessarily in any sort of pattern.  It CAN be in a pattern or it can just be randomly put together.  I think that pretty much describes all of us and how we are “sewn” together randomly.  Each piece is different and some pieces are bigger than others, some are older and more frayed, some are almost new looking.  There are pieces of silk, wool, velvet, denim, camo, madras plaid, polka dots, bright colors, dark colors, fancy lace, dotted swiss, pastels, and nearly invisible colors.  There is virtually every kind of fabric that exists in this quilt and every shape and every size you can imagine.  When a piece of the quilt is torn off or falls off, there is always another piece of fabric that can replace it.  It’s never going to be exactly the same, but there will always be another piece.   The quilt, like, will grow and grow and will remain intact and will become stronger, impenetrable in a way.  The quilt will be there to throw over the shoulders of someone who is struggling; it will be there to comfort and to celebrate.  Think of yourself as a piece of this quilt and hang on, be ready for challenges and be ready for celebrations.  Be ready to hold someone else on so they won’t be the missing piece of fabric, let’s all put this quilt together and make sure it is there when one of us needs it.  It’s pretty big and it can cover a whole bunch of people at one time.  You can be covered by it or lay on it and just feel its strength and its diversity…think about what kind of fabric you are. I am a pretty worn piece of denim but I am also pretty strong, all things considered.  I would like to be covered and comforted by those velvet and silk pieces, or maybe just a worn out tee shirt. The quilt is within your reach, always, but you have to be smoke free, there will be no smell of smoke on this quilt, there will be no burn holes in it.  The fabric may not be perfect because of previous damage but there will be no future damage.  Cover yourself with the quilt or lay down on it in the sunlight or make it into a magic carpet and go for a ride.  You choose what to do with it as long as you hang on.


I love this blog. TU for sharing it again.



LOVE the Blog.

Beautiful In Red Colour


Ellen, how in the world did I miss this blog the first time you posted it???  It's WONDERFUL!  I absolutely love the imagery!  You are so creative, Ellen!  Love this!

xxxooo,  Sky


I loved it the first time and I love it even more this time! And I love you! Thank you for keeping me going! 


Love it.  Thanks for sharing again.


This is wonderful.  If I were a fabric I'd like to be living  grass.  Ever growing, changing, adapting.  Resilliant yet maleable.  A place where tiny creatures can hide and feel safe and sheltered and get nourishment.  You can eat me and I'll grow back.  And you can tear a piece of me off and I'll transplant.  You can trod upon me and I'll bend and then straighten back up in the sunshine.  My goodness but this has spurred my mind.  THANK YOU!


still crazy after all these years...


Love it!


Love it - again! Great idea to repost! 


I am so glad you reposted! I also missed it the 1st time around, and this is to beautiful to miss. I thing this should be the Ex home page.


Beautiful blog and I always want to be part of that quilt.



Great blog and guess what i chose?


Crazy quilt, love it ,  You are so good at this writing stuff. And I agree this should be on the home page . Love you Ellen.


Ellen, I loved this the first time and I love it still. Thanks for reposting


keep calm and carry on




I am glad you came riding in on your crazy quilt. You're a gem, Ellen!


Very Cool (-:   I would be faded denim with a hole in it /-:


Loved this the first time you posted it,Ellen but I love it even more now! It is such a perfect stron image of what we create all together!

From a fan,  Karen


Well Ellen thank goodness for your ego!!!! xoxoxox What a lovely analogy, terrific my friend.  Shawn, so very cool.  And Ladies and Gentleman we have an aspiring writer in the house.  I haven't asked Giulia if she is a writer yet but it seems  like it. Well I am going to say we are blessed to have writers in the house. Have a great weekend all.  


Great blog - thanks for sharing!


There are two things I have just printed out: Ellen's post above and Shawn's post on reprogramming the mind. I will need to carry these with me throughout the day. I have been struggling and continually repicking my quit date. It's aggravating and defeating. Why? Why? Why? 😞 I seem to struggle most with mornings which, by the way, have been severely disrupted as I was just laid off from my job after 14 years. As the anxiety overwhelms me, I reach for a this is going to help me! If I don't have any because I have thrown the pack in the garbage, I go and spend my hard-earned money on more. It is absolutely insane and I am waaayyy smarter than this. I continually tell myself I am not losing anything but gaining everything! I can't seem to starve the little monster. I don't want the little monster to win. This is MY brain and MY body. I am tired of trying to "hide" my smoking - the only one I'm fooling is myself. So, I am back to the site, reading, blogging, soaking it all in. I need love and support and encouragement.

My piece of quilt would be calming and soothing, like an ocean patch with the sea, sandpipers and seashells.

P.S. I, too, want to hear more from Giulia...amazing writing. If you don't write on a regular basis, I think you should seriously consider it!



Yes I also loved it the first time you posted it....I think I am a piece of red gingham with little white flowers around the edges and I have tabs of velcro on each corner, just incase another color or design falls off it can grab hold and steady it fibers, as it attaches itself back to the magical quilt!

Love Ya Ellen

To the moon and back!!!




Your crazy quilt is like spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove.  The longer you cook it, the better it gets.  I loved this blog the first time around, and somehow, it got even better with age!

Thanks for the re-post, my dear friend. xo 

P.S.  I would hitch a ride with Shawn!


i missed this the first time and almost the second one, its simply beautiful and i want so much too be a piece of  that quilt forever thanks for sharing again i loved it.....sharon

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.