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Share your quitting journey

By this site I have 599 days smoke free.

1 10 63

I have had one cigarette since I stopped smoking. I was not able to finish the whole thing, and I was doing it to make a point. A bad point but none the less a point. After that I ave not had another smoke.  It is almost a year now and because of this change I have been making other changes.  Doing this, (not smoking) has enabled me to reinvent myself to something different.  Not only have I quit smoking, but I have changed religious beliefs, and have begun to look at my outward appearance. I have lost 48 lbs. another 230 lbs to go but it is a start. Changing your lifestyle is difficult when you don't know or are not ready to change or except what it is you want changed.  I have began to know just what I want and how to get it.  I have noticed that contrary to what I wanted to believe, people are prejudice against fat people.  I have notice that even family members do sly things that they want to believe is common courtesy. But it is condescending.  I will chronicle from here on out my experiences with people. I want to make it known the experience of an overweight person trying to be better to do better and be healthier, not skinny not thin, but better.  Not because It is what other people want but it is the only thing that society will react to in a positive way.   I have so many societal negatives, I am fat, brown, male, dread locks and physically sick. I also have a new baby who just turned 1 a few days ago. As of right now I wear who I am on the outside, which prevents most people from getting in to understand who I am for real. This strain is becoming something that affecting my perspectives on my personal relationships.  I have begun to notice who loves me for me and those who are ashamed of what I look like.  I no longer smoke, but gained weight because of the quit, and now I am changing more of the outside. Stay tuned for the updates... I am changing a lot of things, what else have you changed since you quit smoking? I would like to know, we can share story's. What do you say?

10 Comentarios

I admire your desire to be healthier. You have a baby that needs you and won't judge you. You can continue your quest for health and realize that society's criticism is theirs.

You be the best you can be for you and your child.

Congratulations on quitting smoking.


Quitting is often the first step in life changing transformations, isn't it?  It was for me, anyhow.  I started thinking more positively.  I started really taking my yoga and other peaceful practices more seriously.  I started liking myself more as well, which helped lessened my desire to care what others thought of me.

You have so many positives going on!!  No more smoking, weight loss, a new precious wonderful for you!!  Keep on feeling better about your healthy lifestyle and you will continue to strive towards that better health 🙂


I have become a less stressed person, and strive every day to make someone else's day a bit brighter.  I make it a practice to always let other drivers go first, to let someone behind me in line with less go ahead of me, to say good day to ALL I see, to ask and really CARE how somebody else's day is going, to buy flowers for others for no reason, to treat the person behind me in line if I have the $$$, to tip the grocery bagger........I have a clearer mind to think of those things I can do now that I'm not worrying about getting on so I can smoke!



Congratulations on your achievements.  Smoking is a continuous journey of change. I have learned to focus on improving myself physically, mentally, spiritually, financially more than I had before. 


I thank all of you guys for even reading my post.  Sometimes I think that I am here alone and just venting, until to my surprise someone replies to my post.  I appreciate all comments, and understand, to be of service to others helps us feel better about ourselves,,however it is also the reason that most of us started to smoke in the first place.  We worked hard trying to please others and we would smoke because in our minds that is all we had, just that few minutes to ourselves, outside or in our favorite corner in the world. Now our attitudes of not only ourselves but others become clear, and as we affect ourself because we are stronger for the journey and success and learn to apply it to other things that we can recreate ourselves.  I am going to be a little selfish at this point and really care about me more than any one else.  That road will be difficult  because it changes moral fibers of my being. But, so did giving up smoking. 


Hi nice to meet you and I don't think you ever have to worry about someone not being here to listen.  I am a newbie 78 days smoke free and never feel alone as long as I come to this site. Sounds like you are on the right track in kowing where you want to go in life.  Go for it and do it for yourself and that little precious baby, the heck with society.  You said that so right I have always worked hard to please others as well now is the time for us to please us. This journey, this path of self discovery has really opened my eyes to figuring out who the real me is.  I now know the real me is an exsmoker and have lots of weight to lose and have lost 18 lbs even with trying to quit smoking.  I chose to give up junk food when I quit smoking so I didn't pick up more weight.  The biggest change for me is being able to exercise and still breathe.  This journey is teaching me how to be more positive and how to love myself more and I am really starting to like the new me but still under construction with more work to do.  You will reach those goal just believe and focus and be patient and ou will be there before you know it.


Hi nice to meet you and I don't think you ever have to worry about someone not being here to listen.  I am a newbie 78 days smoke free and never feel alone as long as I come to this site. Sounds like you are on the right track in kowing where you want to go in life.  Go for it and do it for yourself and that little precious baby, the heck with society.  You said that so right I have always worked hard to please others as well now is the time for us to please us. This journey, this path of self discovery has really opened my eyes to figuring out who the real me is.  I now know the real me is an exsmoker and have lots of weight to lose and have lost 18 lbs even with trying to quit smoking.  I chose to give up junk food when I quit smoking so I didn't pick up more weight.  The biggest change for me is being able to exercise and still breathe.  This journey is teaching me how to be more positive and how to love myself more and I am really starting to like the new me but still under construction with more work to do.  You will reach those goal just believe and focus and be patient and ou will be there before you know it.


Congrats on your quit - great to see you back here! I love what you wrote above -  "....we are stronger for the journey and success and learn to apply it to other things..." Thank you! 


Nice to see you again!  Let me know your quit date was and when you hit the one-year milestone I'll put you on the Elder's List!  Appreciate your honesty about that one cigarette.  You're a man of honor.  And I've no doubt the self-improvements will continue!


It's good to see you, I think I've only seen you once before.This is a very supportive site. There are supportive sites for other self-improvements as well. Just google wat you want to improve and you'll find a lot of choices. Quitting smoking is a great achievement, Congratulations! Once you've done that you can do anything! Yay you! Please check in every once in awhile or more if you can and let us know how you are doing!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!