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Bowling and NOT smoking at 31 days of freedom !

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Well I went bowling with the residents of our NSG Home and a great time was had by all ! It was so nice to be able to do that and not worry about how I was going to have to sneak off for a cigarette or wait hours to have one ! I bowled 102 I don't even know if that is good bad or average and I don't care it was fun and even more fun to see the residents out in the community having  a good time and it was really warm spring is in the air !.

I went to The Best Of Ex and read many of the much wisdom and insight to be had I highly  recommend it to everyone especially us newbies !

I just went through the door of No Man's Land I want to know why it is called that if anyone knows ! As some may no I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island and off of the south western coast of the Island is a very small Island and the name of that Island is No Man 's Land !  When I was growing up it was used by the US Airforce for bombing practise I still remember as a child hearing the bombs going off in the distance . Sometimes we thought it was thunder and then my Mom would say no it is only the bombing on No Man's Land !

Can some one please tell me how to post ...upload onto this site ?

Thank you to everyone who is here, all the Elders, the newbies and those somewhere in between for being here !

About the Author
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .