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Share your quitting journey

Bonfire New Year's Weekend

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Let's bring in the New Year together!

 I will be hosting a bonfire. EVERYBODY is INVITED!!! 

  The bonfire will start on my blog Saturday Dec 31 at 7pm EST until Sunday Jan. 1  at midnight. 
   This is how our bonfires work:
  Everybody brings their own fuel for the fire! We burn up your  unsmoked cigarettes! the ones you would have smoked if you had not quit! For EXample it you have been quit for 100 Days, and you were smoking a pack a day (20 cigarettes) You would have 100 X 20 = 2,000 unsmoked cigarettes to throw in the fire! 
  If you would like, Here is a link  that has some quit keeper programs that your can download to your computer.   They show your number of days, how much you saved, how many cigarettes you didn't smoke and some other facts. You can use these statistics for the bonfire 😉
  There will lots of people at this event! We will have music links for music lovers! We will have food for those of us who like to eat and drink. You are required to have fun, whether you like it or not!!
  The most important thing is to get everybody involved, for whatever time they can spare! In the past we have EXceded 1,000,000 unsmoked nasties in the bonfires! Let's make this goal!  In order to make this happen, we have to all contact our friends, and make sure that everyone shows up! Keep after your friends until you get a committment! If some one can not attend, get them to give you their totals, so you can bring their contribution to the fire with you! All contributions must come from our members! If someone knows for sure that they won't be able to come during the course of the weekend, you can leave me  your totals as well.
  Mark your calendar/phone and See you there! I will try to send out reminders on your message boards a few days prior. In the meantime, SPREAD THE WORD!
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About the Author
I am 51 yrs old and live in the Greater Cleveland area. I started smoking at a young age. I think it was more peer pressure at that time and just a few cigarettes a day until i became "LEGAL" to smoke. I then started smoking a pack or more a day, using stress as my excuse to smoke more. In reality, I realized after i quit smoking that there is no excuses for smoking. I am approaching 4 yrs next month, but I still have to work to protect my quit. I am here on Ex faithfully helping others and in return helps me. We call it here on Ex "Collateral Kindness" here is a link to my blog, 1 yr later that explained my trials in the the beginning of my quit.