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Share your quitting journey

Blew it

1 19 297

Well I smoked a couple last night.  Just have felt so down and so tired when I wasn't smoking.  I don't know if that was from not smoking or what?  It had been a week -out of my system but each day I felt I was sleep walking and not getting much done. Don't know if the smoke last evening made me feel any better-know it made me feel worse just the fact that I gave in thinking it would help.  I have way too many enablers.  Back to Day 1.  Will I ever be able to do this???  Still on Chantix-the 2 cigarettes didn't even taste good.  Beth

19 Comentarios

Yes, you can do this!  The beauty of Chantix is that the cigs tasted awful and didn't do a thing for you.  Now you've learned that smoking won't help.   If you restart your Quit now, you will rebuild your confidence that you can do this. 


Beth.  Have you done your research, educated yourself on you nicotine addiction?  Put a plan in place to know what to do to protect your quit? is a good place to start.  You can do this if you want it like nothing you've ever wanted.  Hang in there, get up and fight.  Being lethargic can be a large part of quitting.  Knowledge is power against this addiction.  Read, read, read. 




Yes Yes Yes no energy,  sleepless,  sleeping too much,  feeling disconnected,  there are too many things to mention but they are all signs of addiction. Try to remember this when these things hit. IT MEANS YOU ARE WINNING and your body does not like it so it throws in these zingers to wear you down. It may help I hope so.




whether you use an aid or not, the primary factor is the resolve of your decision to quit.


ok well now thats over i hope.......cause now you know it does make you feel like crap........and them some........learn what you can from this but realize to quit is no cheating.......i think most people who succeed make that rule...i havent smoked in forever and yet i know that if i did just one drag i would be right back at it..........its a powerful addiction yet quitting is even more control your behavior and you reward it it for the prizes..........i bought myself stuff everyweek for a while when i i get stuff once a richer and i like it...........get rid of them get alot of energy.........i hit me right away.........but i didnt use chantix.........but i wish you well on your excuses


Hey girl, i stayed in bed, cried, came to this sight, screamed, cried, came to this sight, stayed in bed, cried and so on for quite a while, i didn't think i was ever going to feel better, but now im at 8 mo. and never thought i would be here, so just set your mind to it, u can do this. My husband smokes, so i deal with it everyday, but i get passed it and u can too. Also, i didn't loose my sleeping ability until like a week after i quit, but it will all pass. It's just part of the withdrawal. YOU!!! have to WANT to quit, all of you has to. Be strong and hang in there. GOOD LUCK!!!! 


All good advice. Once you accept your choice and own your choice to not smoke, it becomes even more personal for you. Once you do that you'll get on a roll no doubt!   NOPE & NEF!


Try to remember the lie you told yourself before you took a puff. Mine is "smoking helps me to function & not being able to smoke is *depriving* me of my energy & ability to function."
"Most smokers are not aware of the effect it (smoking) has on their energy level... One of the subtleties of the smoking trap is that the effects it has on us, both physical & mental, happen so gradually & imperceptibly that we are not aware of them & regard them as normal....The problem is that when you quit smoking, the return of your physical & mental health is also gradual. True, it's not nearly as slow as the slide into the pit, & if you are going through the trauma of the Willpower Method of quitting, any health or financial gains will be obliterated by the depression you will likely be going through." - Allen Carr small excerpt on Energy from The Easy Way to Stop Smoking 

It is not how many times that you break your vow that matters, as long as you keep resolving to keep it. Patience & Persevering. A monk was asked what he did all day in the monastery. He said: "I fall down, I get up. I fall down again, I get up again." We all must keep getting up again each time we fall. If we don't try to get up, then we condemn ourselves.

Fight the Good Fight,



Thanks everyone.  Jeannie-glad I'm not the only one-I've cried a lot this past week.  I just have to remember it won't be like this forever!


Come on back girl. Just never give up and you will do this. Really want it and you will have it. Hang in there. Dust yourself off and start again. We are all in this thing together and we are all here to help. Good Luck Just Believe


Get right back on track! Don't beat urself up, either. This is a life-style change, and it takes a minute. I just had to start over, and was extremely disappointed with myself, but learned that this time, a month into my Quit, I will do things different to b successful. I'm gonna stay well rested, better hydrated, and I got myself twizzler sticks (which might help with your sleepiness, too), for my hand to mouth motion. Just dropping a few ideas by, maybe they'll  help. Much success and peace to you!


Thanks Kim.  I haven't smoked since then.  It was the ex that stopped and he makes me anxious-his cig is what I smoked.  The less I see of him the better. Too many bad memories.  I feel much better not smoking, even though my energy seems zapped.  I hardly had any coffee that day either  and think that waw a mistake because medications I am on have a sedating effect and without smoking or coffee I feel like a zoombie.  So I think I'll stick with the coffee for now.. thanks!


Hi All!   I have felt so down and tired-is this normal withrawal??  I don't want to sit around and get fat.  Shouldn't be tired-slept enough.  Anyone else been through this and when will it end!  Thanks, Beth


Don't give up! You are worth it. I had many slips before I quit. 


Gma_Bernie  This blog is 8 years old...I don't know if beth is still here.  I don't recognize the name.  I don't think she is active here any more.



Wow good to see you yaya its been YEARS!!!! Missed you n love you n thank you for helping ME  7 YEARS AGO!!!!


Should have checked the date. Why is it still on here if it's 8 years old?


There Should Be Am Archived Blogs Selection.

Everyone's old blogs should be in their profile content.

Don't feel bad, we've all done it at least once since the site changed.


Gma_Bernie‌ like JonesCarpeDiem‌ says. we have all done it.  Sometimes, a person who has not been heard from in a very long time actually answers.  I don't know why they can't be separated so that people don't wait for a response from someone who is not here anymore.
