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Share your quitting journey


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Why am I so bitchy??? Itchy and bitchy. I just haven't been able to stand myself for the past two days. I try to always keep a level head and a positive outlook, but I've really been struggling the past two days. I don't even want to have conversations.  People  just piss me off. Even the littlest rude things  like interrupting me when I'm trying to say something even if I know this person or that person tends to do stuff like that, and it normally doesn't bother me too much but lately, inwardly I feel like I just want to whack their stupid heads off. I don't want to do anything at work tho I know I would feel so much better if I accomplished a few things. I  feel like I'm in the first week again. All I want to do is sit in this stupid chair, and if I get up it's to eat something. I just feel stuck stuck stuck. Wth?

22 Comentarios

I'm sorry you feel that way Mady....maybe just blogging about it will make you feel better, or go outside and throw something!!!!!  If that doesn't help, I'll bet Dodge will let you use her pink handcuffs??????  Remember, we'd rather have you act like a non-smoking bitch instead of a smokin bitch :-)!!!   We love you!!!!!!


I have the answers!!!!







life's a bitch and then you die


Talk to my neighbor if you want to let off some steam. I'll give you her number. LOL


LMAO!!!!  Dale....!!!!    Wait?  That might work!!!!


Honey just stay focused on your objective DO NOT overcome to the bitchiness....  Get up find something fun to do until the moment passes.  Keep the strength and you will be able to work through it.... Make sure to STAY AWAY from any triggers that make you want to smoke that is your first step...  then the rest will just follow. I know it seems hopeless at times but I PROMISE you it gets a whole lot easier with time......


She has a terrific quit going!  You may consider going back to things you did during week 1 - such as making sure to drink plenty of water, getting a bit more exercise (I swear by stretching to releive the tension) and other things that made it more comfortable for you. Hang in there - it will pass soon.


Im having sorta the same problem except mine seems to be leaky eye syndrome. Im sure my husband is tired of the crying. I know I am 😞

No mans land for us?????


ooohh hahaha, I'm sorry I know it's not funny for you, but "itchy and bitchy" really made me laugh...!  So, it's normal and it will pass. Try to find some entertainment in it if you can.

Here's a joke for you:

  Man driving down road.  

  Woman driving up same road.  

  They pass each other.  

  The woman yells out the window, PIG!  

  Man yells out window, BITCH! 

  Man rounds next curve.  

  Man crashes into a HUGE PIG in middle of road and dies.  

  Thought For the Day:

  If men would just listen


I know its not funny either but whacking someones head off says it all for me. Thats what I feel like alot.  To hear you say it out loud is so funny.  So sit back and enjoy Sarahs joke which is quite funny.  Remember were all in this together.  Me and close.  


HaHa!!!!  Sarah, that was funny....I don't care who you are!!!!!! LMAO!


I know the feeling I had moments of bitchiness that I was even astounded at..  Hang in there you will make it:)


Been there alot of days lol!!!

Just warn others to be AWARE   

Member guys crack me up too. I've had a good laugh. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs to you all}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.

Dale, if that old coot wasn't 90, I would definately give her an earful. I can't now cuz she's way old and I'd get carried away once I got started. Thanks for the hug Linda. Hugs are always awesome....someone needs to bring the key for the pink handcuffs's alittle hard to hug back with your wrists in pink fuzzy handcuffs. Lol. You know Maggie and Cindy, I could go across the street and scream at the top of my (now clean) lungs in the woods. Thank-you for the cute joke Sarah....I will definately remember THAT one....stupid men...thats what they get for calling us know, a new friend of mine and I were talking about that bitchyness factor yesterday, and he quipped "oh well it's just goes with the plumbing, that's all" A few hours later when I snapped at him because he was being an irritating smart-ass, he held out his arm with his cigarette pack in his hand. I told him that was across the line and asked him to leave. I've decided he will not be MY friend, nope. Can't you just close your eyes sometimes, Lisa, and picture someone's head who's tickin you off  being lopped off with your sword? Makes me feel better sometimes, actually. Sometimes the only way to deal with the crap is to have a good laugh....thanks you guys...I feel a bit better.....yet if I snap at someone later, take it with a grain of salt please, K?


Hello all, I am new here, I never blogged before. I just quit a few hours ago. HELP!!!! I can use all the support I can get!!

I went to visit my uncle in a nursing home really shook me! I don't want to end up with an oxygen tank and/or paralysis from stroke.


Hang in there a few minutes your going to get ALOT of help.


".....just want to whack their stupid heads off...." - that cracked me up!!! It is great - IMHO - to write things like that down and vent, vent, vent! Exactly the right thing to do! It really will get better.....really! Take care!


LOL...well at least no one can say I don't shoot straight from the hip, lol. Yeah joni, we have a great group here don't we? I won't smoke, I promise. :)~ I just had to do something I was feeling so awful. I had no idea I would get (and give) gut-rolling laughter out of it. The "give" part of it has really brought me around. Amazing.  Warm fuzzies here now thanks to you guys. *hugs*


Hey Mady, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel??  LOL


Oh Baby! please don't get me started, lol


mady I just had to laugh at that statement about knocking someones head off for being rude. I am still laughing typing this. A few weeks ago I felt the same exact way, I think some people are just plain old rude and we are not overreacting because of our situation they should have been smacked upside the head a longggggggg time ago so they wouldn't be so d--- rude now.




Oooooooh Lynette, I LOVE  her. Yes! that's how I've been feeling!