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Share your quitting journey

Better day after a better night

3 16 72

Went to bed last night with ice packs on my shoulder and arm and my lower back.  One cat was sleeping on my head, not her usual spot but it was comforting.  I fell asleep after 1:30 and woke up at 4:30 because of pain and a full bladder.  Got up and used the bathroom and realized how incredibly cold I was and how severe the pain was.  I felt like I needed to compress my HANDS to slow the pain going up and down and I decided to switch from ice to heat.  Of course, my activity woke the cats and the noise that ensued from the other room was somewhat terrifying.  One of them knocked his favorite toy into the recycling bin and he was bound and determined that he was going to get it out no matter what.  Of course, I did not know that until this morning because I refused to get back up.  I had my heating pad on my shoulder and I was wearing elbow length tight leather gloves, for the first time in I don’t know how long, I did not want to move at all because the pain was actually under control.  I watched about half an hour of TV and fell asleep on my back.  I woke up because I was incredibly hot and BOTH cats had made themselves beds on my legs.  I did not have the heart to move and disturb them so I pulled a fan up close to me and turned it on so that it was blowing only on my upper body and would not disturb the cats.  I realized that if anyone saw me, it would be quite the crazy picture, me laying on my back with the two cats on me and my arms on top of the covers with the long black gloves.  It was delightful for at least a couple of hours.  I feel better today, I am taking it easy, decided to try to get one room cleaned up at a time.  No crazy lifting or mopping…I am going to be really careful.  Thanks for sticking by me…hope you can visualize the image of my restful time.  Never, ever did smoking occur to me.  I know better

16 Comentarios

SO happy to hear you are feeling a tad better - and happier STILL to hear you are taking it a bit at a time!

I CAN visualize you and the gloves and the cats and the fan!  Hahahahahahaha!



My wish for you, Ellen:


Whatever it takes!


OMG, Ellen -- I have quite an image in my brain and I must say the opera length leather gloves really make it memorable.  When I was with Janine she had 2 dogs and 2 cats in the bed, and that made me really glad I had my own room.  You've brought a smile to my face and I am sure I will continue to remember that image and smile every time!!


Haha what a visual.  Glad your feeling a bit better today. Go slow and easy and hoping tomorrow you wake up with more relief. Prayers for healing and better night sleeping.


I am smiling at the visual my friend, I am really happy that you are going to take it easy ,(((((huge loving gentle hugs for you)))))


so happy to hear you are feeling better, definately have to chuckle at the visual, but, hey, whatever works lol take care my friend.



I hope you feel better Ellen and the visual is quite funny !


HAHAHAHA!!! Ellen.....i can certainly visualize it! All of us who love our animals probably look pretty funny as we adjust our positions for their comfort!

I did not feel well last night and left our bed so I would not disturb my husband. Our 90 pound boxador is a true "nurse"------he will not leave your side if you are sick. Unfortunately....90 pounds of huge dog is not always what you need.......but,  like you, I did not have the heart to push him out!

I am SO glad to hear you are feeling a little better.....but LEAVE that sense in having a flare up........


Quite a descripton.  Easy to picture.  Sounds delightfully bizarre.  Glad you've a few  minute's pain free.  Lets hope they increase triplefold! 


Oh my gosh - that all sounds pretty nuts! But - I am so glad you feel a bit better Ellen! Keep resting! 


Well, you sure got a giggle out of me, Ellen. It is kinda amazing what we go through for the comfort of our pets! I am glad you got a little rest and felt a little better. Keep that going! Have a good night!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


All of you make me proud to be an EX. My cat curls up above my head during the night and then cuddles with me when I'm waking up. Still going strong on my quit.

I won't quit my quit!!


So glad you are feeling a little better. And as for the visual... Hahahahaha!


LOL-----Actually, I was half laughing and half moaning for you as I picturing your night . Hope tonight is better.


Ellen, Hi. Same here....I have only a 22 lb. doggie, but, believe me, she weighs my covers to the point I cannot move. And, I don't have the heart to move her. I have shoulder problems and must shift several times to get a somewhat adequate sleep. Our pets...sooo much trouble but totally worth it.

Acerca del autor
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.