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Better Late Than Never!

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Well, I'm late getting here today and wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving Week!

I spent the Day with my Granddaughter, Miss Penelope! She is now 10 Months old and non-stop action! When she isn't crawling, Miss Penny is cimbing - everywhere! What a Blast!

I also just got back from the Eye Doctor and my Left Eye is now 100% so he's ready to operate on the Right Eye Friday Dec 9. In 2 Weeks I'll be able to see better than I have in 50+ Years! 

I found out today that the clinic where Dr Apple works considers him an absolute stickler! I like the sound of that! I think I lucked out!

Today is Monday and a Big Day for folks to come here looking for support to Quit Smoking! So if you are that  Lurker hoping for a word of confidence, I can tell you that Smoke FREE Living is the Best Feeling in the World! It's tough to get there and yes, it wil take more than a few Days or Weeks to get that Marvelous Feeling but it will be there waiting for you! And so are we!

We know how to become successful EXes and we can show you how so jump in! Get involved! Read, Blog, join Groups, Comment and/or send messages to somebody - anybody so you can grow your support and become an EX, too!

You absolutely, positively, guaranteed won't regret it!


And let me be the first to say....



I am just smiling away thinking of you with Miss Penny, you do know walking is next and everyone's life will change!


Yes, And I'm so looking forward to it, Ellen! Penny is so incredibly FUN and I'm blessed that I can kiss and hug her without smelling like Sickerettes!

Great news on your healing Thomas, and an exciting early December for you and your right eye. This news of course gives Dale a couple weeks to hatch some more Apple puns... Cavorting accounts with Penny made me smile 🙂 Kjay

What great news! So happy for you Thomas.


Great news about the eyes!  The second one will be easy.


Thank you Thomas.


Glad to hear 100% vision in your eye wow pretty good. You will breeze through the second eye. Awe Miss Penny sounds so precious they are so cute at that age.


I am so happy your eye is doing better. I hope the next surgery on your other eye turns out good also with no problems. 


Thomas, babies are great, glad you can spend time with this special little one.  Also, good news on the vision front, December 9th is just around the corner!

I remember the post where we read about more people quitting on Mondays, but I forgot!  Thanks for the reminder, and the call out to people who might be thinking of Quitting but haven't committed, yet. 

If you are thinking about it, Yes Yes Yes it is totally worth it.  It will be difficult for a while, but it is the best feeling in the world to be finally FREE from this ugly addiction.  I have not had a cigarette in 45 days, and I would not go back for anything.  Life is better now than it was as a smoker, and will get better still as time goes by.  So, please, choose life and a life Free of nicotine, you won't regret it.

NOPE:  Not One Puff Ever.


Why is it so many doctors have funny names ! An apple a day keeps the doctor away !

Thanks for all you do !

             Miss Penelope Is a very lucky and blessed little girl to have you in her life Thomas !


Blessings all round. Great news about your vision, and Fun with Penny makes me smile.


My orthodontist was Dr. Toothacher.  Where I live now Dr. Cuff fixes shoulders and Dr. Hand fixes hands.  Dr. Tingle is a urologist.  



Teach her to dance!!!!


Thanks for the encouragement to keep going and to reach out for help


Glad you had some time with Miss Penelope.  Grandchildren are the best!  Congratulations on having your eye surgery done.

My husband had cateract surgery and can now see just great!!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1