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Because it made me look cool.

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It did, it made me look cool. You can't deny it. There are some people to whom smoking signifies a member of cool society. Of course, I know the EX response: those people themselves weren't very cool or secure and shouldn't be the people I search for approval from. Yeah yeah, well of course I've grown up since then. But there were certainly reasons why I smoked to make up for my insecurity.

I looked older. I still get carded for R-rated movies if I shave. The way I held that cigarette and flicked it away with determination and confidence, like an old-hand experienced smoker, ooh, that's not a boy, that's a man. A man hacking up a nasty green loogie on the sidewalk, but a man nonetheless.

I didn't look like a nerd. I have glasses, I'm a skinny little bastard, and I have many superhero t-shirts. (The green Superman tee rocks, by the way.) Of course I know my way around a computer, but I wouldn't know World of Warcraft if a goblin sprite king bit me in the tuchus. But with a cigarette in my hand, you could tell I didn't live in my parents' basement. Just in the shadow of the anxiety and insecurity they instilled in me.

I was badass. Oh man, when I'm driving down the street with my James Brown pumping from the stereo, windows wide open, puffing away at a smoke, I wasn't a poser. I was a white boy with soul. Speaking of which...

I could blast loud music. Even in the winter, if I was chain-smoking I had an excuse to roll down the car windows and share the groove with the world. Except when cops passed by-- then the volume was down and I was just your standard everyday stressed-out DC whackjob.

I was a bad boy. Chicks dig scars, and some nutty chicks even dig black lungs. Hey baby, I don't care about myself. I cross railroad tracks in the dark just for the thrill of it, and I bake kittens into pies. You know you wanna roll with me. Especially you self-cutters.

You didn't mess with me. Walking down a sketchy avenue, I feared not, because I carried a weapon: a flaming stick that easily could go right in your eye. F with me and you're going home a cyclops, sucka.

Of course, now I just have confidence and cojones instead. Besides, chewing a piece of gum makes me look cool. Nonchalant. You know you wanna roll with that.

4 Comentarios
You're killin' me already!
LOL..loved what you had to say and in a sort of twisted, way I believe that everyone can relate to it on the scale of reason why I smoked...
Great post and way to go!! I started smoking when I was 11 years old to be cool as well -- most of my friends were 2 years older than me. 39 years later here I am, smoke-free and luckily without lung damage (as far as I know). I'm glad you are stopping while you are young -- this is a horrible addiction and the longer you do it, the worse it gets...Check out . This is very much a pyschological addiction as well as physical. This site gives some awesome ways to learn how to get around the mental crud that the nicodemon tries it's best to plant in our heads!! Keep on chewing and welcome! Keep on laughing and stay as positive as you can!! Tell yourself that smoking is NOT an option -- my mantra and it has helped me through some tough cravings!!! Keep on keepin' on!!
Thats some funny stuff! Especially:

"I didn't look like a nerd. I have glasses, I'm a skinny little bastard, and I have many superhero t-shirts. (The green Superman tee rocks, by the way.) Of course I know my way around a computer, but I wouldn't know World of Warcraft if a goblin sprite king bit me in the tuchus. But with a cigarette in my hand, you could tell I didn't live in my parents' basement. Just in the shadow of the anxiety and insecurity they instilled in me."