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Beating the Odds!

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"What's wrong with the occasional cigarette as long as your lungs don't look like down town L.A.? After all, a cigarette once in a while can't be all bad - it may be a vice but it's a legal vice and it doesn't hurt anybody - at least not like alcohol or drugs! besides nobody's perfect! Look, I just smoke a pack a week! Yea, I know about Cancer and such, but surely that's people who smoked 2 or 3 packs for 40 or 50 years not me! Heck, I was over 30 when I started smoking and I've quit now and then just to give my body a break, so I'll be O.K. Everything in moderation ain't all that bad! "

That was me talking 5 years ago, completely confident that I had successfully dodged the silver bullet by carefully playing the odds! I would be the last person on Earth to get sick from smoking-related illness! But guess what? I was wrong! Boy, was I ever wrong! Holy Smokes!!! ( pun intended)

When I woke up that beautiful Spring morning with a fever of 102 there is absolutely no way I would have predicted the path that my life was about to take! That trip to the Emergency Room (it would have to be on a Sunday!) changed my life forever! I, Thomas, was diagnosed not just with a lung infection but with Emphysema!!! The guy who was so careful to beat the odds just lost the game of poker and there's no going back! Emphysema is chronic, permanent, and progressive! Most likely, although only Our Creator knows for sure, it will be my cause of Death! How does a young (relatively) healthy (usually) active fella like me get Emphysema, for crying out loud?

What I didn't know was way more than what I did know about Emphysema and COPD!!! Oh, I'd seen the pictures of the happy retired folks puttering around in their gardens or playing with their grandkids because they were smart enough to take Advair or Spiriva! That's about it! My Grandma who lived in another State died of Emphysema when she was in her nineties but we all have to die of something, don't we? Eventually! But heck, I was 52 and had never really been sick much at all my entire adult life! I worked 60 to 80 hours a week and never thought anything of it - hard physical labor, not a desk job!

Here are some facts that I have since learned about COPD: it is an auto-immune illness. it doesn't care if you are 20 or 80 years old! It doesn't care if you smoke 2 or 3 cigs a day or 2 or 3 packs! Just one cigarette will trigger your body's defense mechanism and there you have it! About half of the folks who have COPD don't even know it! Meanwhile the damage that they are doing to their lungs can NEVER be repaired! Your body creates all kinds of mucus in your lungs and bronchials that is a perfect breeding ground for any kind of bacteria or virus you cross paths with like pneumonia! Every time you get a lung infection a bit more irreparable damage will have been done and your condition deteriorates. Because your lungs don't work so well you can inhale fairly well, but you can't exhale so well at all. What people exhale is Carbon Dioxide - you know, poison! That CO2 stays in your system and makes your whole body in a constant state of being poisoned! Because your body wants Oxygen and not CO2 your heart overworks itself trying to get enough Oxygen to where it's needed. Eventually, the heart deforms itself from working overtime! Then you have Congestive Heart Failure! Don't forget, you're still getting those lung infections from time to time! The toxins make your limbs feel like wet spaghetti so that such things as getting dressed or washing dishes become monumental tasks! When you cross a room you huff and puff like the Big Bad Wolf! And know you can't even blow out a candle - let alone blow down a house! This is my reality! Oh you remember that part about not hurting anybody but myself? What do you suppose my Family and Loved Ones are feeling knowing that I did this to myself?

Now, do you still want that occasional cigarette? You still think it won't happen to you? Do you know that people die of smoke related illnesses in their TEENS? Check out Brian's Story at! Do you know that one single cigarette can not only trigger COPD it can cause a life-altering Stroke? Do you know that one single cigarette can change your DNA permanently setting you up for Cancer? ONE CIGARETTE! Do you believe it? I am testimonial that in this business you can't beat the Odds - the Odds can beat YOU - down! Forever! Get Smart! Be honest, at least with yourself! Smoking KILLS! Every time you light a cig you are committing the little suicide! You are spitting on the Gift of LIFE that your Creator bestowed on you! Enough is enough! Stop playing the Odds! TODAY is the Right Day to becomeanEX  and to protect your Quit - Smoke FREE for LIFE!


My very favorite! And I was thinking about it just last night. It's like we have a mind thing! 😃 Thanks, Thomas!!! I hope all the newbies read it. It kept me straight during those difficult first few days.


Good Blog dude.  How true. Ya just have to keep that in your mind over the craving. 

Thank you Thomas. Wow! What a Great Crave Busting blog!!!!!!

I, like you, tried to beat the odds!  I really BELIEVED that if I ate a healthy diet, kept my weight down,  and exercised at least 30 minutes every day(and some days I did 45 minutes of heavy-duty swim laps!), I could protect myself from the damage of smoking.

A vascular surgery later - I found out I was wrong, oh, so wrong!  All of my health problems since (well, except for the wrecked shoulder - twice!) have been as a direct result of my smoking.

Don't kid yourself. Smoking does irreparable damage.  Stop now and stay quit.  It IS a matter of life and breath!



We can't unsmoke em but we can stop and stay stopped!


Thanks Thomas for another great blog!  I never knew that I had a choice until recently!


Thanks for sending me this link Thomas!


As many folks in our Community know I managed my COPD very carefully and rather successfully for 6 years. Then little by little the disease began to take over. Last year I was hospitalized with pneumonia between Christmas and New Year. Then again this last June I was hospitalized with an exacerbation, Each of these times I seemed to bounce back - just not quite as far as the time before. Then came November 2017. It started out as a sinus infection - then an ear infection - then asthma -and finally a COPD exacerbation that left me with severe hypoxia, dropped my lung capacity to sever levels and led to oxygen therapy 24/7. I don't know what comes next but I do know that I won't be bouncing back! Please if you haven't quit smoking yet - make 2018 your Smoke FREE Year. If you have quit smoking - protect your quit as if your life depends on it - because it does!


Hi Thomas.....I had wanted to circle back and read your story. Found it and read it! I also just saw your blog from the 28th. I am a believer too. Healing prayers will be remembered for you EVERYDAY. I must admit I held my breath as I read each word because I have feared these very conditions and feel fairly certain I smoked significantly more than you had. I had no idea the arbitrary nature of Emphysema and COPD. Your story will remain a constant reminder of NOPE to me!! Healing is all together possible even if at times it does not seem probable. By our GREAT healer.  Prayers for healing and comfort and a miracle before your eyes! Hope you are home now and feeling better. Do keep us posted! write very well!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1