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Back in NC

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I had waited until after my trip to look at my PET scan results of the lung nodule, and I'm happy to say, it's benign. I just knew it was going to be malignant as it had grown. I don't see my Dr. until the end of the month, and I guess he'll explain it than. But, whew, what a relief.

My husbands been going through a terrible time. He's had a bad copd flare-up, and it looks like he has sleep apnea and possibly low oxygen at night. We never got insurance for him through work because of my high monthly medical expenses, we knew we would never be able to afford his $6,000 deductable. We are getting his insurance in Jan., but, for now, it's all self-pay. I really did not need to be facing a devastating illness myself right now, and God new that.

I'm at 44 DOF today and those ol' craving buggers have reared their ugly heads again. Today and yesterday have been pretty tough. I did pretty good in NY but I think, coming home was like a huge trigger. I'm not giving in though.

We had no problems with Dorian on my side of NC, thank God!

Take care, and God bless,


About the Author
I'm 59 with severe COPD. I've decided I really want to live and I won't if I smoke. I have 4 grown boys, a grandson and granddaughter due on 9/10. Lots of reasons to live.