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Share your quitting journey

Baby Steps

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I just came from my first session of physical therapy this week, I’m now doing them twice a week for my back and what I’ve noticed in the short two weeks I’ve been doing this that my back is improving finally!  I have had two epidurals in the last two months and will be getting my third one this Friday all in different parts of my back as according to my back surgeon everything is degenerative and it is muscle around my bone that is deteriorating. So in order to walk and stand again, I need to build up my muscles.

What I am amazed at is the fact that my physical therapy shows improvement in very small baby steps every time I go.  That compares to how I gave up smoking too.  It was baby steps and it was every day, one day at a time and slowly it got better. So many things in life are like this analogy.  While you may not get the instant reward, the reward comes maybe a day later an hour later but not immediately. We tend to forget this because the microwave made everything right now and life is not everything right now.

So for now I am very content with even the small steps.  As long as I’m moving forward. And that is what all non-smokers are doing. They are moving forward.

About the Author
I started smoking at 25 and it took me a year to learn to inhale so I really was hooked by 26. I have smoked 50 years and quit August 11, 2020 so today is my 28th day. My husband of 54 years died March 1 and he had smoked for 65 years. I knew when he died I would quit as I had tried 5 times before but his smoking made me jealous or I could smell it. Used him as an excuse to start smoking again. I am retired from a university. Raised in Nebraska and living in Iowa since 1978.