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Share your quitting journey

BMX helped me quit!

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Hi Everyone-

I am a 53 year old, soon to be 54 year old female...I started smoking when I was 13 and remember being hooked by 14. I started smoking because a friend of mine smoked and she could blow smoke rings and all of the boys liked her. It didn't help me with the boys , but I did get hooked fast. It wasn't til much later that I learned that the boys liked my friend for other reasons than blowing smoke rings!

My first quit attempt was when I was 16.  I swore to myself that I would not be a smoker at 18, 21, 30, 40, 50, etc. I broke all of those promises. when I was 40, I got pneumonia, was diagnosed with COPD and spent a week in the hospital. I probably quit for 2 months then which is my longest quit to date.

I had a mid-life crisis about 6 years ago and started racing BMX. The first year I couldn't even get off the seat!  Well, we still race, we travel all over the country to race. I even was ranked for 2 years in the top ten of my age group in the nation.

I am not very fast, but I show up and this sport rewards you for being old and showing up. there is a woman who I race nationally. I beat her once, but she has beat me the last 3 years, although we are very close. Last time I saw her in June, she said, 'You know Eleanor, if you quit smoking cigarettes, you could beat me"...Well, I mulled over that for a few weeks and decided that I didn't know if I could beat her if I quit, but I KNEW I could not beat her if I continued to smoke.

So, July 11th, 2013, I stopped smoking, all due to a bike race. seems crazy, my health problems and everything else didn't make me quit, but to win a silly bike race, motivated me. I guess whatever works!

I feel greatful and just take it day by day.

13 Comentarios


Glad you are being active.  I am just starting out and take my walks at 4:30 am every day.  Day 2 of being smoke free for me. Just going inch by inch! 



Heck yea! Congratualtions!


What a wonderful story!  Everyone needs to find what motivates them.


Thanks for the support everyone. Roger, It is day by day, my day by days have now reached 60...let's see how far we go! How long has everyone else been quit?


Love the story!

Roger - I totally understand.

I decided when I quit smoking I did not want to gain weight. So I did not think about the weight for the first two weeks. I ate what I wanted. Then after two weeks, I started eating right and exercising. I started running.  So far I have lost 18 pounds, the basic half a pound a week, but at least it is going in the right direction. Keep in touch.



Wow Maggie!- that is great!  I too decided I could eat what I want, after 2 months, I have gained 10 pounds. I am very active riding my bike, but chocolate and carbs have never tasted so good!  I decided I will wait til month 4 to deal with the weight. I lost 50 pounds a few years back, so I know how to do that, but the smoking thing is new. Thanks for the support and good job on the weight !


Big congrats on your quit and your continued racing success!


That's right! Whatever it takes! Congratulations on your precious quit.


Congrats you sound like you are doing great! I would encourage you to re-think the continued use of the e-cig as re-learning life without cigarettes is about replacing the hand to mouth habit with other distractions. MOST of all the dangers from the unregulated amounts of nicotine and many other chemicals in e-cigs pose very serious danger. You are almost 60 days off cigarettes...time to consider being free from nicotine addiction! Just a thought. xo


Awesome story!  Whatever it takes to motivate 😄


It's a good thing that "motivation bug"... keep up with the good work and N.O.P.E.


Congrats on your quit.    I love hearing the different motivations that help people.    And good for you being so active!    Please come here often so we can get to know you better and share in your excitement.     I want to hear when you beat that other woman!

Sharon (36 days)


I know alot of people think the e-cig is not really quitting . I have discussed this with my doctor and she said that I should continue that as long as I need to. I wil discontinue that at same point, but not right now.  I race the other woman this weekend at a National race, so we shall see. I am carrying some extra weight, but I can breathe!!!