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Share your quitting journey


3 16 54

Good evening friends-

I wanted to share what I did today in order to not smoke.  I have been avoiding going certain places around town becuase they are a trigger for me to smoke.  I couldn't wait any longer to put gas in my car today.  I didn't want to be tempted to go into the gas station and buy a pack.  So I had my husband take my car up and fill it. 🙂  Is that crazy?  I thought so for a minute, but it kept me from smoking.  I didn't want to fail on only Day 6. 

I also needed to go to the grocery store.  A trigger for me has always been to light up when I walk out of the store.  I don't smoke in my car so this is my chance to smoke before I go home.  I put a straw in my pocket and reached for it as soon as I walked out.  I quickly unloaded my cart and got into the car.  I knew I wouldn't smoke there. 

I'm looking forward to the day that I can go to a gas station and not be tempted to buy a pack.  I'm grateful for the support of my husband and for all of you!  All of you keep pushing me forward and remind me of how much better my life is without smoking. 

I avoided one situation completely and relied on a back up for now in the other.  The important thing is that I didn't smoke.

Hope everyone has an amazing smoke-free evening-

Thanks again for all the support-you guys are truly amazing!

16 Comentarios
That is friggin amazing! Preparing ahead of time is important especially in the early days it does get easier and before your know it you'll go into a gas station with no problems it's smart of you not to try it unless you're sure though. I'm inspired by your quit you got this keep going forward! Also you sound like a "happy quitter" which is a great quititude to have!

Fantastic, Rachel!  

Those are perfect examples of what makes a successful Quit:

1) You were aware of your triggers (the gas station store and outside the grocery store).

2) You altered your usual pattern (sent your husband to get the gas).

3) You prepared, in advance, for how you would handle facing a known trigger location (when leaving the grocery store, you had a straw for chewing already in your pocket and you hurried to get to your smoke-free car).

You couldn't have done it any better than that!  Congratulations!



Perfect!  Don't feel like you somehow are a "chicken" for not going to get gas.  You need to do WHATEVER IT TAKES not to smoke.  Good for you for figuring out what you needed to do ---- no harm, no foul!!!

Eventually it will come much easier.....but until it does - avoidance is perfectly acceptable.  Eventually, might you try a different gas station/grocery store?  Or buy a bottle of cold water to sip from instead of the "other.?"

You did GOOD!



You did a GREAT job.  I avoided anything that triggered me for weeks...then the triggers got weaker and weaker.  Honestly, Rachel, for a while, I could not even say the word cigarette without having a massive crave. I gave away all of my unopened packs of cigarettes and all of my lighters and coupons,  I could not have them around.  I avoided that line in the store where you can get cigarettes and I just kept putting one foot in front of the other.  Every success is just that, SUCCESS!


Right on Rachel , you are doing everything you need to be to stay smoke free , yay for another precious day WON ! 


You did great Rachel pat yourself on the back. Hahaha hearing your story made me think back to the beginning when I was afraid to go get gas by myself.  I always made someone go with me to keep me on track or like Nancy said another gas station.  Way to go you did good!!!


Great job! I avoided a lot of things and was a complete hermit for awhile.


This is What I call" by any means necessary". NOPE  Do what you got to do not to smoke.  No matter what it is, no matter what you will make it.  Proet your quit. 


Excellent job!! Look at you go, do you see what's happening????? You are standing firm on your decision and making sure with determination and Creativity to MAINTAIN YOUR FREEDOM. 

This is how you do it!! Proud of you keep up and keep blogging you will bring many new quitters along with you! 


Rachel, how awesome that you found a way to protect your quit, AND that your husband is so supportive.  I agree with everything said, expecially about preparation and that it isn't "chicken" to employ alternatives.  Eventually, we will be able to go anywhere and do anything, former trigger or not, right?  Thanks for sharing.


Rachel I agree with everyone EX-cellent Job ! I carried  my straws everywhere for a few months or more ! I found one the other day in a jacket I haven't worn since last spring !

You will get to that point I actually went into the little gas station mini mart today and bought my room mate's pack of sickerettes for her without even a thought of smoking one ! I am not recommending that but I am  making the point of how far i have come and I also have been used to her smoking ever since I quit !

I thought i could never quit living with a smoker but I got to the point that I wanted to quit that much ! Wanting to quit that much was what made it possible to do, along with all the support from Ex !


That sounds perfecrtly sane to me!! Just keep it real simple . If it is working don't fix it. This sounds lik a veery young and smart person who TRULY wants to quit.Im proud of you. I wish i had the desire you have at your age. I was diagnosed with sgtage 3 copd not to long ago. And it was amazing how easy it was to quit smoking  EVERYTHING. If you know what I mean. I figure if ii put in half as much effort I did into helping myself that I did hurting myself i should make out REAL good. I do pray and for mercy and for gods forgiveness for harming the beautiful body he gave me to start out my life with. I also plan on doing all the necessary footwork and let the results be up to god. Keep going youn lady life is so worth it!


You are doing a fantastic job!!! I also wish I would have quit at your age. I have end stage copd and a nodule in my left lung. You are quitting before your health is compromized. Good decision!



in a few weeks, you'll be getting gas and look up at those cigarettes and say out loud boy, those things are expensive, glad I don't do that anymore 😉


Thanks Lori-

I hope so!


Great work! Glad you are here and posting your progress, so good to hear of your daily success!

Acerca del autor
Keep smiling-the best is yet to be. I am 46 years old and married. I have a 18 year old "bonus" daughter and a big yellow lab named Lewis. I am a medical biller and work from home. I am happy to be free from smoking since 10/19/16.