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Share your quitting journey

Aug 16 Mon relapsed

2 6 262

I relapsed. Last Tuesday I had a stressful situation. I borrowed a cigarette. Been smoking everyday. I was excited at the progress I was making. I am not going to beat myself up, I am physically sick from smoking, I am not starting over. I am focusing on ahead and knowing I can beat this smoking.

Newbie is confessing

6 Comentarios

So happy to hear you are right back at it.  The one thing I would recommend is that you remember the thought process when you talked yourself into smoking, and make a plan on what you will do differently THIS time.  You could have posted a "HELP" blog, or taken a walk, or called a friend, or did some slow/deep breathing.   Life is always going to happen; how you respond will determine your success or failure at this.    

Choose wisely!  Smoking is NEVER required.

Let us help you get it done this time.  If we can help, just ask.



Hi @CathyC1332 glad you came and told us…I hope you do get back on the quit…Did smoking change the stressful situation?   Choose today that “No matter what happens, you won’t pick up”…and watch “Life Will happen” whether you smoke or not…

You keep that determination and one of these quits will stick…

and Yes don’t beat yourself up…. ~ Colleen 987 DOF 

No aplicable

Hang in there . Next stressful situation do your best and find ways to get through without the smoke . I found for my quit it helped maybe it will help you . 

Remind yourself stress doesn't make you smoke , smoking is a choice . 

Good job getting right back to it . 


@CathyC1332  Glad you're back on track   Unfortunately, life is stressful- whether we smoke or not, is not going to fix it.

Remember, reach out before your smoke.  That is what the Ex is all about.   This community saved my quit several times early on.   



Definitely don't beat yourself up over a relapse. It can happen to anyone. But do accept the consequences of smoking again. Part of that is that feeling of being sick from it. Another part of it is starting over. You smoked for the past week, kicking the addiction back into high gear. I'm afraid you are starting over now. That's why we say Never Another Day One.  You quit before so you know you can do it!


We're all here for you @CathyC1332 and we're rooting you on You've got this deep breaths and believe in yourself because we believe in you, stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent.....