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Asshole ex made me want a cigarette!!!!!!!

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But i didnt. We been separated 12 and a half years, never has he paid child support, nor did i fight for it, so we kinda let it go, he gave me piss money here and there, nothing that ever added up to anything. So he goes to court today for child support, he is back 37,000 dollars, and he decides to tell the frickin judge, he had been given me money all this time, at least 10,000 dollars, NOT EVEN CLOSE, maybe 1000 dollars in the last 12 years, bottom line, he calls me and says im gonna get supeoned?????(spelling error) to go to court, and all i have to do is tell the judge hes beenn paying, and he wont go to jail, i think phucking not, yah say that, so i can go to jail. because i have been saying the truth, which is no he has not been paying me shit. So he is trying to lay this all on me, when i have been raising, and supporting his kids, WTF, and then hes got the nerve to say at the end of the conversation, well we can always get married, and it would all be dropped. ROFLMAO. Gimme a big fat break. So yah that raised my stress level to ten real quick, sure it made me want a cigarette, pretty bad actually,prob worse than ever, but wow, surprised myself, and didt do it. Why the hell do ppl love pissing u off, testing, testing, testing. Putting all the blame on me, what ever asshole. There i feel better, got it out, my roommate already heard it all, lol. Thank yall, by the way creeping up on 38 days here, hell yah. Have a great night.
Congrats on not giving in and resisting the urge to smoke!
He's a jerk now...and will STILL be a jerk if you smoke !! Don't even GO there, Nory....say he's pissed you off...but remove from your mind that he made you want a cig....NO ONE can do that anymore !!!

Just keep telling the truth to the court, and it will all work out !!! And IF he goes to jail...well dang - - who's fault is THAT ???? LOL

Congrats on those 38 days coming're tuff, girl.....doesn't he know better than to mess with you ?????
Asshole exes will always make me want to smoke. They also make me want to Eat Large Amounts of Chocolate Ice Cream and sometimes even Purchase Very Large Bottles of Extra Strong Beer. That is because they are jerks. And if you let Jerks make you do something that's killing you, They win. My dad has been embroiled in a messy divorce for 7 long years, and has stooped to the level of his asshole ex by becoming one himself. She smokes 3 packs a day and he is constantly wishing that the mother of his youngest child (not me) would just get cancer from the cigarettes and die. What a terrible thing to say/ think. Maybe it would help you to think your asshole ex is thinking the same thing. Or maybe not. For more on the subject of Jerks, visit.
Life happens whether we smoke or not. Good job choosing the healthier way to go. Congrats on 38 days!!!! Congrats too on letting go of those smoking memories that creep up in times like these! You are doing GREAT.
Excellent resisting! Smoking would not make anything might make you feel bad that you had one, and that you would have to quit all over again. The first 72 hours was a very hard thing for me. Don't want to do that again.

You are much stronger already!

Keep up the good work!
You would NOT give your ex the time of day to ruin your quit and your health. You did the right thing to keep your cool. Your doing well. Good job!!!!
I am so proud of you! Whether you smoke or not he is an ass, right, so don't give in; think how lousy that would feel..dealing with an ass and then feeling like one for not standing tough:) You are going to do this and we are tough remember?
Congrats on not letting the asshole ruin your quit!!!! He may have ruined other things in your life, but his time is up!!! Ditto to what Carlie said.....he'll still be an asshole whether you smoke or not, so DON'T SMOKE! He's not worth it!
um doesnt matter.......even if he WAS giving you didnt go thru the court therefore its considered a gift. the courts dont recognize outside money. Talk to a lawyer, let him subpoena you. Dont smoke, you will have the last laugh in this case when the judge asks him to show records of the money that he "allegedly" gave you. And when he says it was cash...the judge will say sorry. You cant prove didnt go thru the courts.... I knew a guy that for 10 years sent both his boys 100 on the 30th and 100 on the 15th each. He sent this $ western union and had kept every receipt. His ex wife took him back to court and claimed back child support. He whipped out all his receipts and still had to pay all that money AGAIN because he didnt go thru the court system and it was considered a GIFT. They make men go thru the courts so that DEAD BEAT DADS (like your ex) cant get away with the "i paid . . . story" keep your head up .... Let him make an A** of himself and you keep your cool and speak when spoken to, and keep you voice calm and sweet. Hell dig his own hole.
good choice! Smoking would only give him the satisfaction that he is getting to ya:) Be strong!
Way to stay in Control Nory!
Not only will I congratulate you on staying Quit but for raising your kids on your own for all this time. My mom did the same thing with me and my brother and sister - ALL BY HERSELF!! I give her a shitload of credit for doing it on her own, especially back then it was hard as hell! My dad didn't pay support either and she held it together with a job and stable home. We weren't like kids these days with cell phones and everything handed to us but we never went hungry and we always had a bed to sleep in. Single moms on the other end of deadbeat dads are earth's angels. Kudos to you, Nory! (she didn't smoke at the time, either! 🙂 )