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Share your quitting journey

As i read your blogs

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As i read your blogs, I am blessed that i am not alone in my quit.

As i read your blogs, i think, hey thats what  i was thinking or went through too.

As i read your blogs, you inspire and make me stronger in my quit.

As i read your blogs, I am scared. Will I be as strong as they were in their quit.

How can i write blogs when everyone else has the same thoghts and writes them so much better.

Thank you all so much for paving the way before me and sharing your knowledge with the rest of us.


Have a great weekend.




    You write beautiful, you are getting there and you will do it.

                                        my prayers for you and others on ex-cig.

Please write! Style doesn't count! Your story in your words count! We want to know...

Please write blogs.... it doesn't matter how many times its been said, or by who, writing will help you, and you n ever know who it might help.    Sometimes, we addicts can hear the same thing 20 times before it suddenly "clicks"  for us!  

This is a great blog.....  what a great support this site is!!!  And you are a valued member of this EXfamily!  We need you as much as you need us!



Hello friend! I just went to your page and saw your quit day was November 10...MY birthday and also a one year 2013 quit friend 'Danno' ...

You are SO right! WE are blessed and strong and FREE from a deadly addiction!  xo

And NOW we DO:


Hey iavikesfan!  Firswt congratulations on your decision to Quit....that makes you a winner!

It's not important how you say it on this's more important to say whatever you feel so you can keep yourself focused on your quit.  We are here to support you and encourage you....not to judge you on your writing ability.

Welcome and keep blogging......:)!

Cindy/Dakota Posse


Thanks everyone, but maybe i should have said that differently. I was paying all of you a compliment on your blogs. They keep me going, say what i want to say and most of all have kept me smoke free. I plan to keep writing, but you all say it much better.


Quitting is so much more than not smoking - yet, it's ALL about not smoking. Ha! That's kinda Zen....

Thats the truth Thomas..


There are no editors or grades given in the School of Ex!!!  We are all here to share and to help others if we can!  You are doing your part whether you realize it or not.  Blog away.  It's good for YOU and might just help another!

We are all about quitting - and supporting one another along the way.



You hang in there really tight you are doing a great  , just by being on this execellent site you will be fine . Continue to  tell us about your progress on your quit . Keep in mind

to stay smoke free tomorow will be easier !! NOPE


Everyday gets better and better. You have been through Hell Week, you've managed to make it through Heck Week. By the time you get through Week Three, you will be soooo proud of yourself and by one month you'll start commenting on the newbies blogs when they arrive and need help. That's a great feeling. I went back and read through my blogs, man have I come a long way since September 18, 2013! You can do this, you inspire me to keep going too!


Everyday gets better and better. You have been through Hell Week, you've managed to make it through Heck Week. By the time you get through Week Three, you will be soooo proud of yourself and by one month you'll start commenting on the newbies blogs when they arrive and need help. That's a great feeling. I went back and read through my blogs, man have I come a long way since September 18, 2013! You can do this, you inspire me to keep going too!


Everyday does get better, But I still have the days when Man The thought of Smoking wont go away.  So keep reading and keep blogging it does help. Day 59 for me!!