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Share your quitting journey

Are You Ready?

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Are you ready to quit? Do you really want to quit? If so, its easy as pie. All you have to do is throw away your cigarettes and never smoke again, not even a puff.

That sounds easy enough, doesn't it? In principal, it really is just that easy and just that simple. In reality....not so much!

So, why do people have such a hard time quitting when the quit smoking process is so simple? The answer to the question is also simple. It's called ADDICTION! While cigarettes are legal, studies have proven that nicotine addiction has the same “behavioral characteristics" as heroin and cocaine.

Can you quit? Yes, you can! offers all the tools, education and support that you need...but ultimately, only you can stop yourself.

Changing any long-term habit can be hard. Having support, especially from those that have walked a mile, or more, in your shoes can make a big difference. Quitting wasn't easy for any of us. However, after 1+ years of reading the blogs, I've realized people that went about their quit with a good attitude seemed to struggle less!

Tips that might help:

  • Write down why you smoke and why you want to give up. Keep it handy so you can look at it whenever you get an urge.
  • Figure out your *Smoking* triggers and change them.
  • Pick a date to give up and stick to it.
  • Get rid of everything in your home or workplace that reminds you of smoking.
  • Tell everyone you are giving up and ask for their help and support.
  • Call yourself a non-smoker.
  • Educate yourself about the possible withdrawal symptoms and think about how you will cope with them.
  • Write down how much money you will save. Plan what you will do with it. You can also download a quit-meter to track cigarettes not smoked, live and money saved!
  • Avoid alcohol and smoky bars in the beginning. If you find yourself in a trigger situation, walk away.
  • And the most important thing you can do.....Don't give in, don't give up, and don't pick one up!

If you find yourself thinking about having a cigarette, remember the 4 “D”s*:

  • Distract yourself by doing something to keep busy.
  • Drink a soft drink, sipping it slowly.
  • Delay picking up the cigarette - the need will pass.
  • Deep breathing will help you fight the urge.

Life in our lungs