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Share your quitting journey

Anyone else very cranky early on in their quit???

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I am on day 15.  There are some times that have become very easy....during the day I have been doing great. It is that after dinner time and if I have a glass of wine where I am still struggling.  I had a wedding this weekend and was very, very nervous to go.  I was nervous to drink and I was nervous because my husband and his family all smoke and I was with them.  Well I survived.  I managed to have glasses of wine and did not smoke.  I drank them slow because I knew I had to be very careful.  Well I made it without smoking but I was a completely cranky person the whole night.  I couldn't help it.  I knew I was being short with my husband (especially when he would go outside to smoke).  I just have a very short fuse right now and just wondering if anyone else went through this?  Is this part of the process or am I just being looney:)  How long will this last???  I hate being like this just can't help it.  

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Congrats on day 11!!!  I am pretty sure it is part of the process i'm just starting to annoy myself because I can be unpleasant:)  

Did you quit cold turkey?  What are you doing to get through the cravings?  I love hearing others' strategies!  


You might be interested in an earlier blog with a list of early withdrawal symptoms:

To be specific, crankiness is a normal early symptom!  Most of  these dissipate after 3-4 weeks of your quit.

Congratulations on two+ weeks!



Thanks everyone.  Thanks Nancy for the link.  This to will pass:)  


Almost ALL of us have a short fuse early in the quit... its completely normal.  We really need to understand and believe that those we see smoking.... they do not "get" to smoke.  It is not a privelage to kill themselves and lower their quality of life slowly.... the NEED to smoke.  They are being controled by nicotine.  it takes times, but now I feel only pity for those I see smoking.  They are still slaves and they are inhaling poison.

Also, most of us quit drinking for at least the first few months (at least) of our quits. Nothing is more important than our quit, and drinking is a threat to it.  Drinking shouldn't be so important that we're willing to risk all the hard work we've done to quit smoking.

You are doing great.  Try deep breathing for crankiness, and keep doing the reading because the understanding Allen Carr's book and Joel's articles on can change a miserable quit into a genuinely happy one.  I never believed it until I did it, but its true.


Sadly, I was looking at the smokers at the wedding reception and almost had this envy towards them because they got to go outside and smoke.  Like they were the lucky ones which I know is ridiculuos.  I know that it is my addiction trying to play with my mind.  


Yea, joc, it takes time. Hang in there and make sure to keep correcting those kind of thoughts.  It will get better and easier, I promise!


Actually, Nancy's post above was one I read exactly 30 days ago and it helped me more than she will ever know. 30 days ago, I was on day 8 and ready to break all the dishes in the cabinet.... Just kiddin', but really once I understood the anger, feelings of deprivation were withdrawal symptoms and they would pass, I was better able to deal with the emotions I was feeling.

Today, I'm in NML and looking forward to the rest of my life WITHOUT spending money to buy something that does nothing FOR ME. I am FREE from this addiction and I have promised myself to never put another cigarette to my lips. 

I feel like a million bucks at day 38 and can only imagine how much better I will feel once my lungs have healed from all the pain I put them through for 40 years. Getting stronger everyday and loving life more than ever!

jocj88 and others in their first 3 weeks of quitting, hold on, realize these feelings are going to pass in just a short while. 


I was doing great through day 4.

Today on day 5, I had a gnawing crave that would simply not go was like constant...all afternoon.

I was better than the crave today.  I've tried so hard to NOT be crabby.  I don't deserve it nor especially anyone else in my life.  It's sure not their fault!  however, I do feel myself being a little short..a low tolerance for BS is a good way to put it..