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Anybody Tried switching to a worse brand?

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So I've started to reach the stage where I need to stop weaning myself off cigarettes, and quit altogether. A friend of mine suggested that my emergency "Quitter's Pack" should be of a different brand of cigarettes from what I usually smoke. I typically smoke 27's, and the guys i bum from when i have to smoke parliament lights. I was thinking of getting a pack of Reds to stash somewhere for the times where I absolutely have to smoke. I can't stand reds, they taste disgusting and burn the throat. I was wondering if any of you had tried switching to a brand that you didn't enjoy smoking so that you could get an emergency fix, but not get pleasure out of the experience, therefore conditioning yourself against smoking.

ha ha ha ha - I'm not laughing at you, I am laughing at your demon. Your addiction demon is trying to negotiate with you....all another brand is going to do is piss you'll smoke it and not feel satisfied, it won't make you quit, it will make you buy another pack of the right brand....and your demon won again!! Kill the demon! There is no middle grey area. NO SUCH THING AS ONE PUFF EVER!! Smoke or don't smoke. When you quit your demon starts dying. You take a puff he comes back....end of story and then you have to fight him again all over again or he wins. No middle ground.

the emergency pack doesnt work....because you will use it....I WILL.....and then you will have woken the demon and have to start at square one again....the 1st three days are hell. Why go through those 3 days over and over and over again.....quit or don't quit. Demon loses or he wins. End of story. No such thing as a tie.

Not harsh to you - please don't take my comment as rude to you - rude to your addiction demon for trying to make you think you can go half way.....! CAN"T!!
Tried it and it didn't work. But I can't say that it won't work. I took Chantix and that made cigarettes taste horrible. So the switch could work. Read Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" That was Key for Me.
"Emergency Quitter's Pack" ???????????????
:Emergency Fix" ??????????????????

David - - You either smoke...or quit !!!! PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did try smoking a cheaper brand, thinking I would hate the taste and eventually give up, didn't work too good.. Think it's a mind thing.. Good luck though
i agree with carlie on this one. Its all or nothing. If you have an "emergency" pack your setting yourself up for failure.
agree totally with Gina and the answer is NOPE, not one puff ever, when you are a drug addict or an alcoholic and you quit you do not have an emergency bottle, or emergency stash, hon you are an addict. Go to and read or Candid Qitters here and read....we are not trying to sound mean, it is the truth, good luck, we are here for you...
If you are going to buy an "emergency quitter's pack", you might as well buy a couple of cartons of your favorite brand and save some money, because you will be smoking them. You can't quit smoking knowing that you have a pack for "emergencies". You'll come up with an emergeny: hangnail. Favorite TV show pre-empted for news. Needing to change the cat's litter box.

To quit smoking, the first step is to stop buying, lighting, and smoking cigarettes.
It doesn't work. Smoking is smoking is smoking. How about a box of quit smoking lozenges? That's what I did and it worked for me.