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Any one here using or used Chantix to help with there quit.

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I am on day 2 now...and hope to not be smoking by the 16th. So far no side affects but its only been 2 days. Had a rough winter and having a lot of stress with both my parents having health issues. My mother has lung cancer and my father having heart issues. Lifes been tough...but so sick of the cigarettes dictating my every waking moment. Any advice or tips as I am using Chantix this time, I have tried a half dozen times with the patch and fail...cold turkey 2 times and about had a nervous break doctor recommended me trying the chantix along with some xanax when I needed it. I hope to hear positive vibes about the chantix as I am going in to this with the attitude of not worrying about the side effects and to concentrate on quitting..for good!


I heard lots of good things about Chantix. Congrats on day two.


Hi there, Janetlynn. I can't help you with info on using any drugs or NRT, as I quit "smart" turkey.  Once making a decision, it seemed like it was really up to me to quit, so that's the road I took. I can say, however after smoking 40 years, I am now free from a lot. I have enjoyed the road I took, as it taught me a lot about who I really am. Funny how that happens when you decide, take action, promise self and honor the promise to self to quit killing yourself with poisonous gas and the drug nicotine.

I think people are bullied into not trying to quit, we're told it's HELL, how HORRIBLE the withdrawal is. I say it's all about whether you really have decided to quit.

Just don't wait too long. Smoking will eventually take it's toll on your life. Smoking is bad, it's just bad, there is nothing it has ever done FOR me.

Best to you and hope you'll educate yourself about nicotine, how it hardens the arteries, causes heart disease, dimentia and a host of other problems in our elder years.


Chantix takes the edge off.  Good stuff.


I took Chantix and had none of the side effects mentioned in the ads or by others.  I think it did help, although I only took it for three weeks (hospitalized after the third week, lost track of dosage and didn't know what to take - so got off of it).

I thought I recognized you from a previous quit.  Welcome back!  I am glad you are here!

Do you still have links to the recommended reading materials?  If so, I really hope you take advantage of the information contained therein.  It is important to know your enemy!

Let us know how we can help!



Thanks Nancy and yes I have the info! again...ugh. I have had a 2 yr quit...a 8 month quit...and a bunch of 1-4 month quits..I am tired of quitting lol! And tired of not staying quit..


How come you had to be hospitalized Nancy?


Janetlynn, I only quit once when I was pregnant with my only child. Stayed quit only 3 years, offered a cig at a party about 28 years ago.

Long and short of it, I had no idea that night would be the start of many more years of addiction.

In September of last year I decided after 28 more years of smoking I wanted to quit.  

My top 3 reasons (although I can think of 100 benefits)



Waste of Time

Why do you want to quit? Top 3 reasons?


Janetlynn my heart skips a beat with joy when I see you have posted again after a while...I so miss you when you are gone. Tough love babe cause it's time...

Nothing can quit for you...there is no 'aid' that can help or hinder an actual decision and commitment to quit smoking ie: cut your chances of meeting your grand children.

Your mom has lung cancer & dad has heart issues? That is a real sad situation for sure but those are reasons of stress to keep you strong in your quit. I'll bet they agree.

I know you remember EX Nancy...I want to channell her right now! I love you dearly...xo

CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading the links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to honor that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable it is....This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes.


More EX-Nancy:


“We use these coping techniques and remember don't give in no matter what! The only way to feel better is get the nicotine out of your body and mind!

Remember NOPE Not One Puff Ever...With this ONE SIMPLE rule, you can do the meantime, drink plenty of fresh cold water to rid your body of the toxins and eat  smaller nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels steady...eating smaller continuous meals helps keep  low blood sugar induced fogginess and cravings away.

Take big arm STRETCHES often to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger or stress... take a nap, take walks, stay busy with something you LIKE and brush your teeth after each meal...stick your head in the freezer and DEEP BREATHE....Biting into a lemon is a great instant crave buster…try it, it works…also have a ‘quit kit’ with things like cinnamon sticks to chew on, hard candy, crunchy vegies…Be prepared in advance for cravings…acknowledge them and tell yourself “I don’t DO that anymore so what do I DO instead?” Then employ any of the distraction techniques…Be Prepared NOT surprised!!! Smoking thoughts only have power when you have fear. Face them head on…You have the strength and power to tell them NO...You have the CHOICE to tell them NO. Each time you get a smoking urge, immediately DISTRACT yourself and kick the thought out of your head.

I added:

I did jumping jacks until I got so winded I could no longer even THINK about smoking…I beat up pillows and cried…Do whatever it takes but DO NOT GIVE IN… Each time you do that you get stronger! “


Goodness, Teddy Joy!

I hope Janetlynn will realize we just love her. I want her to be able to live a longer life.

I've not talked much about this. My bio father died at 44, brothers died at 50 and 62.  

I'm 58. Do you think I might be thinking about how young the men in my family died?

I'm a woman. Now, let me think about my dad's sisters. One just died, she was 77. One is still alive and she is nearly 90! Oh how interesting it is to know my dad's family was here, there and everywhere on the quit spectrum.

What does all this mean? NOTHING!

When I decided to quit it was only about ME. And, it was HIGH TIME I DID!


I quit on Chantix once for 8 months and turned back to the nasty smokes after my middle son who was 20 at the time overdosedand was on life support for awhile. 


Now after much more knowledge I am on Day: 10  of being a non-smoker and I am using Chantix this time as well. The only problem I  had either time was vivid dreams for a week or so.

I took chantix for 3 weeks then stopped because I thought it was causing my bloating/gas stomach issues but the stomach issues continued for another month or 2 so it was not the chantix the only suggestion I have for chantix is to take the night dose around 6 pm instead of just before bed. I had no weird dreams or problems on it.

Be very careful with Xanax.  I was prescribed xanax for a quit 11 years ago.  It clearly made my anxiety worse.  I am on day 92.  I am using nicotine replacement, nothing else unless coffee counts.  Xanax is a nasty drug, beware It is a benzodiazapine. 


Janetlynn, Teddy is right, there is no magic pill to quitting. I also think her second comment about developing coping skills is very important.  

Only you can decided to quit. No one or anything can do it for you. But, you will receive the best support you'll ever find right here on this site.

Have a happy day!


Thanks everyone and I appreciate all your support and advice. I have not taken the Xanax but its not my first time using it, I had a bout of Severe erosive gastritis from Jan. of last year til august. I was given xanax to help cure it...because the anxiety was causing my stomach to secrete so much acid...and the acid was creating more anxiety...vicious circle! I know its addictive but thankfully did not have any issues with it...but I use it with cauton.