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Any ideas??

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My mother is in a hospital due to a staff infaction. While she is in there a nurse overdosed her on insulin. Gave her 50 units instead of 5. Notified mom and the doctor immidiatley and counter measures where started. Moms blood sugar levels went over 500 then began to drop over the course of 3 hours to around 200. The doctor said it could have killed her. He also said he didnt think there was any permanent damage. My question is what kind of permanent damage could there even be and how do I keep check for it? They transfered her to a rehab already so I dont know what to keep an eye out for. She has heart problems, kidney failure, bloodpressure and other issues already. 

9 Comentarios

This may be the wrong forum to ask that question.  I am not suref there is a doctor or certified nurse that would be willing to  answer your questions. Sorry that your mother is not well. I hope she recovers.


Sorry this happened to your Mom. Must have been frightening. Giving too much insulin would result in hypoglycemia (blood sugar too low) for which the treatment would be glucose. Little confused why her blood sugars went so high.

Hope she recovers without any further problems.


I think this might be a question for your family doctor, if you like him...........or even do an on-line search for insulin overdose.  Not all you read will be true - but it should give you an idea what to look for.  Don't let it freak you out, though, since your Mom appears to be OK.

I am so sorry this heppened.  I hope she continues to recover!



I pm'd you (sitemail)


Your Mom should be o.k.  Blood sugar fluctuates In everryone as do insulin levels.  I don't think there should be any problems.    


JRC is right, blood sugar should not have gone high due to the overdose.  I would find a Dr I trusted and have that Dr see her if possible.


Thanks everyone and blood sugars went so high because of what ever they gave her to counter act the nurse giving her too much insulin.  It spiked then dropped over about 3 hours according to the doctor. He said we were lucky the nurse noticed her mistake right away. 


I have type 1 diabetes; I've been on insulin for 35 years. The highs, 500 in your mom's case, won't hurt her if corrected.  It's nowhere near the optimal but not life-threatening. The 50 units could have caused unconsciousness or worse. That's what you need to look out for. Does she have a blood-testing meter? Your mom needs a patient advocate. Someone needs to check on EVERYTHING done in a hospital or rehab. And, let them know, in a nice way, that you are on the lookout. They will be more vigilant.

If you want to go on a website to research: It will ask if you're a dr. when you log in. Just respond positive.  They don't check.

Please let me know if you need anything.


BJ - thanks for sharing your event.  Perhaps we don't have the exact answer you need, but plenty of EXers have great ideas to help!   I do hope your Mom gets along well.  With both my parents in their 70's, I need to learn about what is coming and I learn best through others' experiences.  Again, thanks for sharing.