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Share your quitting journey

Any Ex's smoke occasionally/socially?

0 13 172

I quit 13 days ago but 7 days in went out to a bar w/ friends who smoke.  I broke down and had two, haven't had any since.  I had all these plans in place that worked at first but after so many drinks and being in the presence of smoke, I honestly didn't care.  I couldn't stop myself and basically forced my friends to give me a cigarette.

I was wondering if it's possible to socially smoke on occasion and not pick back up again.  I don't really WANT to, but my resolve dissipates w/ alcohol and at this point I'm not considering giving up drinks w/ friends.  I'm new at this still, so any advice would be great!  Also, I've been chewing nicotine gum, so when I smoked it's not like I was re-introducing nicotine to my system.  Anyone been OFF nicotine replacement therapy and tried smoking socially?  My last intention is to start again, so if it's not possible or extremely hard, don't be afraid to burst my bubble!  I need to hear it!  Thanks!

13 Comentarios

In my book there is no such thing as "social smoking." Either you smoke, or you don't. Just my opinion.


No - no and no again.  I beg you to get on to understand the addiction.  Keep the quit no matter what!


I quit for 30 days (cold turkey) so by that time I didn't have the nicotine in my system...did the same thing though, ended up going to a bar with some of my smoker friends...thought I could try smoking on occasion...ended up back to my regular routine in less than a couple days...did that for about another year, and here I am...6days in 🐵  It didn't work out for me, but maybe see what others have to say too? :oD  Nice job on the 13 days though!  And GREAT job on being able to step away from the cigarette the days after! 🐵


Well, I don't think you can 'sort of; be a smoker. If you smoke, you're a smoker. If you don't, you're not.

Good for you on the 13 days that is a HUGE accomplishment, even with the slip.  It's soooooo the wisest thing you can do. I LOVE it when my smoking friends all file out of the bar past me into the cold to smoke and each one says to me, " Way to go, girl, I wish I could stop, too."


whyquit does teach us theres no such thing as social smoking if you look at any long term quitter who started again they all say the same thing i thought after 20 years of not that i would see if i could have just one puff all find out that just one powerful little puff usually will send you back to full blown addiction and they all wish the same thing at the end of the day they all say i wish i would never would have taken that first puff it tells you how powerdful the nicotine addiction really is that after 1 day 1 month 1 year 10 years ect.... people find themselves hooked again in a matter of days the ballis in your court you must decide for yourself but i say FREEDOM IS CALLING ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS CHOOSE TO NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF NOT ALWAYS EASY BUT SIMPLE !!!!!!!.................good luck on your wonderful journey to your freedom...............I have been quit for 2 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week, 5 Days, 6 hours, 2 minutes and 36 seconds (896 days). I have saved $9,365.82 by not smoking 49,293 cigarettes. I have saved 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 3 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 8/21/2007 7:58 AM


As an alternative to smoking you might look into an electric cigarette. It will give you the sensation of smoking and they have nicotine free cartriges that will not give you nicotine. Just a thought. It is better than the real thing, but do some research as they are not FDA approved.


I'm on day 15 and I would advise against social smoking. I tried that the last time I quit in '98 and that's why I'm quit again! I'm using Chantix, it's expensive (w/o insurance it was $115 for 1 mo) but I think it is what's keeping the urge at bay. Of course, I haven't gone drinking with my friends yet!! I'll get back to you on that! Good luck to you!


I honestly know social smokers and have always been envious of them.  For me it's all or nothing.


I'm with the majority here. Once you took those puffs you reawakened the nicodemon. He may not have reared his ugly head right away but just wait for your next weak moment. You'll be hearing his voice loud and clear in your head....just take a puff to take the edge off or go ahead and puff with your friends. The next time will be sooner and then next thing you know you're back full force if not more so. And you'll wonder what happened. Remember, those first 3 days took all the drug you're addicted to out of your system. Pleae DO (not try..DO) stay with your quit. Never Take Another Puff!! Be confident in your ability to say Not One Puff Ever!!


Every time I have quit in the past, it was the "Oh, I'll just have a couple on Friday nights at the bar," mentality that got me started smoking again. It doesn't work. You can't just smoke on the weekends at the bar. Eventually, it will creep back in your life, and you'll be right back where you started. I'm going to take the weekend off from the bar, and then when I do head out again, I'm going to order really interesting, delicious drinks, and focus on enjoying them. I also plan on watching everyone in the bar that doesn't smoke, and look at what they are doing. Obviously, they don't have a craving. What are they doing with their hands since they aren't smoking? And then I'm going to imitate them. I'm going to act like a non-smoker. Because now, I am a non-smoker. Good luck!


There won't be any social smokers here on this site.

You don't have to give up drinking, but if you want this quit you may want to consider not drinking for a few weeks till your quit is really strong.

Just a thought!


I don't think you can just smoke once in awhile. It's an addiction. I think stories you hear about "social smikers" are like urban legends!!! But, of course, I could be wrong. I know that---for me---one and I'm done...I will be back to regular smoking in about one day. I am steering clear of all. Please take care with any experimenting with social smoking. ANd---if it helps---remember even social smoking "stinks." I love the no smoke smell the BEST of anything about quitting! GOOD LUCK


I know some people that can just smoke one here and there( which pisses me off).So I tried it last quit ( that tells you already where this stories going) I would only smoke when out playing cards or at the bar, then you say I will only smoke when Im at work, week later you smoke a pack a day anytime ,anywhere. That s the way it eas for me .Thats how I ruined all my previous quits . This time I made it 32 days ,got pissed off at wife and took one of here cigs smoked two puffs until I realized what the hell I was doing , it tasted like shit , I threw it down stomped the hell out of it. That was 3 days ago  and going strong again because I know if I say I am only going to smoke when I get pissed off ,I'll try to find ever reason in the world to get pissed. GOOD LUCK