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Share your quitting journey

Anxious about Quit Date

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I have just joined today.  My quit date is Feb 11, 2011.  Just thinking of quitting makes me feel anxious, I am going to work hard to be ready for the day I put down the cigs forever.  I have tried to quit several times before and only made it through a very few days.  I am tired of the expense, not feeling my best and also being sort of embarrassed when I smoke in front of my daughter and her two boys.  I have run out of excuses to tell the boys.  Well I guess if I have run out of excuses, then there really isn't a reason not to quit.  I can see all the good reasons not to smoke.  So wish me luck and be ready to give me a lot of support.  My support team consists of 2 people, and they will not always be available to help me through the hard times.


First  - we know you're scared because we were all scared. The fear of quitting is much worse than actually quitting.

Second - we don't rely on luck. Determination, inspiration, a desire to be healty, those things we DO rely on. And very few of us have support at home so you're not alone in that respect. Come out here. We will listen and respond. Chances are whatever feeling you have, someone here has had the same thing.  (One member not too long ago quit and then said one of her family member blew smoke in her face!)

Welocme! Best wishes to you. You can do it. We are proof it can be done. Please join us.

Choose life.


You came to the right place.  In the past, I was only able to quit for a day or two, but today is my 3 month anniversary.  I remember being so scared, just like you.  Keep your good attitude, remember all the reasons not to smoke (for me, a big one is to stay healthy and alive to enjoy my sons now that they are adults, and to be around if any of them should decide to have children.  Also, I'm sick of not being able to breathe!).  You can do it! 


Thanks for your response.  I used the word luck loosely.  You are right about having the determination, inspiration and desire.  I may not have the greatest support system at home, but I know that no one will be blowing smoke in my face.  My husband no longer smokes, he has resorted to smokeless tobacco and my daughter has never smoked a day in her life.  Neither have a good understanding of what this addiction is and how much it can take control of your life.  My husband has quit cold turkey several times, but has always started back.  I think his longest was 14 months.  And I know my daughter will do research on ways to help me and have the best outcome.  I will probably be on here every day to get the encouragement I need to tackle "D" day.  Thanks in advance for your positive input.


Bobby, Congrats on your three months.  From my chair, three months is a world away.  Like you, I want to be healthier for my daughter and grandsons and hopefully a great grandchild one day.  Also breathing "good" and getting rid of this weight on my chest would be wonderful.  Thanks for the support.



Hi and welcome to Ex!  We have all been where you are when it comes to quitting so you are among friends here!  IN addition to the reading on this site I'm going to list a few others that have time and time again proved to be helpful for folks here in their successful quits.

Read read and read some more! Education and a positive attitude go a long way towrds success!

You CAN do this! Keep blogging to let us know how you are progressing. Remember to reach out if you are feeling weak.


I would read up at everyday. Make a list of why you want to quit and everytime you want to smoke read through that list. Be confident and positive! You can do it!


READY - that's the key word - at least for me it was. I was ready and prepared for a month and just put them down cold turkey - it has been 25 days and has not been bad at all - I should of done this years ago if I knew it was going to be this easy and I smoked for 30 years. Good luck you can do it !


Hi there! Congrats on choosing life! 😃 I was very scared and anxious before my quit day too, in fact the night before I thought I was going to have a full blown panic attack! Then I just happened to see that someone on here posted a link to a book...Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking...I downloaded it for free and read it. It changed everything... I went from panic attack mode to excited, and almost giddy in the two hours it took me to read it. It was life changing for me so I like to share my story with anyone who is fearful and anxious. This quit has been sooo different then any other time before(and there were a few!) that my family has even half joking half serious accused me of closet smoking because I haven't been a basket case! Maggie has posted the link for you already above...Maggie rocks! I hope it helps you as much as it helped me! And even though "luck" isn't involved...I still love to say it so...Good Luck on your journey! 😃


Well you support team of 2 has gotten a lot larger. You're in the right place. Good luck to you; you can do this. :)))


Turn your head and cough

It'll be over before you know it!


One of the best things I learned right here was that this is not a negative experience.  It is a wonderful, uplifting, life changing, morale building experience. The best thing about this site is that when you are having a really tough time, you can come here and you get so much encouragement and advice and support. And when you are feeling good about your quit, you can give the encouragement and advice and support and doing that increases your will to succeed. I think everyone panics before their quit.  It'll be alright!


I became extremely anxious any time any serious thoughts of quitting entered my mind. I did not know about this site or at that point. I noticed that I smoked a whole lot more when I would think about smoking.  I would set quit dates but then drive myself nuts making excuses as to why I could not keep my quit date. The only way I seemed to be able to quit was just to jump right in. I woke up one morning and said today is my day and I haven't smoked since. You can do this. 

Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! Read, read, read to prepare......I used the and the Carr book (see Maggie's links above) lots and lots of blogs here. Take care!   

You have lots of support here! VERY good people!

Don't worry! You can do this....make your plan, get prepared and do your homework. Maggie spelled out where you need to start! Don't hesitate!


We're all here to support you in anyway we can. And as Lynette said, Maggie hit all the nails on the head with her list. Each one offers similar but different ways of support. So pick your pony and ride like the wind to freedom.


take that first step you can do this quit this site is great support and the friends are great we are here for you,


You can do it! 


Feb. 11 is a good quit have ample time to work the program of this site...practice a little before the big day...find yourself a quit buddy or the blogs...laugh with us...cry with us...cheer others on...this is a good've been given good

Read, decide, prepare...DO!

Many Blessed Quit Days to you,