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Share your quitting journey

Another smokefree Monday

5 10 154

Life really does get easier and easier with time under your belt and it definitely gets better and better without the yuckies (cigarettes) BUT it does take time to relearn life without the smokes you must go through the roller coaster ups and downs of moodswings and lack of sleep to get to that good place in your quit where you realize that LIFE really is Grand without a Cigarette in Hand so chin up if you're struggling with remaining quit please know that with commitment and perseverance you will succeed in living a Smokefree Life I do remember and I hope that I - N.E.F - Never Ever Forget how horrendous it was in those early days and weeks of quitting smoking WOW I remember many Times laughing one moment and the next I'd be blatting like a baby or I'd be so mad and angry about what I had idea  I'd feel like screaming and I probably did and I felt like tearing my hair out or someone might look at me the wrong way and I'd want to RIP their face BUT thankfully I knew that I would make it through those horrid times from all  of the reading that I did here it wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT I was committed PLUS another Day ONE would totally suck big time but another Day WON is definetly the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE.....


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Great advice, my friend.  I am getting ready for a doctor's appointment...for MYSELF, for once.  It's a 45 minute drive from here but that beats an hour and a half when I take my husband to HIS doctors.  I have not wrapped a single present but I did put up my little tree, it is the first year I elected to go with an artificial tree, I didn't think about the fact that I had all the lights for a tree about a foot taller so it is a bright little tree.  I haven't even put the ornaments on yet.  I'll get there

Hope you have a wonderful Monday, it is raining and dark here but too warm for snow or ice, thank God.





Having my coffee with you and all the Ex’s Marilyn...and I must say your post stirred me to think I never want to go back to Day 1...Happy Monday....~ Colleen 378 DOF 


Thank you for the coffee and the love Colleen. ♥


Drive safe Ellen (elvan) let us know how your Dr's appointment went. ♥


'Morning, Marilyn!

Welp, I had planned to make cookies today.  Too bad I didn't plan YESTERDAY to make sure I had all the ingredients.  Now I have awakened to a glaze of snow/ice and no brown sugar to make the cookies................................

Sometimes I get SO frustrated with me..............but I'm not smoking over it!!!


Awwww that's too bad Nancy! If we were neighbors I'd slide a bag of brown sugar across the ice and into your door so all you would have to do is open your door but shucks unfortunately that can't happen. ♥ YoungAtHeart


Needed to see this this morning. Planning on a day of what has already started as heavy sighs. Really liked the...add yet to the sentences. Second new day of freedom. Haven't baked or wrapped a thing yet, but it's okay at least I can honestly say I don't want a cigarette, despite the heavy signs, today.


You are doing great sighs are A okay, deep breaths are good too big hug coming your way.....


Good morning sweet friend.  I hope you have a wonderful smoke free day!!



Huge hug back to you Chris.♥

Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....