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Another day

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Had to meet with my psych doc today. She wants me to stop taking the wellbutrin because of all the side effects I'm having. My anxiety is over the top right now since I'm not using smoking to self medicate and I guess wellbutrin can make anxiety worse. So, I have to go to my regular doc to get something for my anxiety issues and come off this wellbutrin. Military medical is weird. I have to go through so many channels to get something pretty simple done.I'm not even enlisted, my husband is!

Today is my birthday. I am 31. That's hard for me to say. It was one year ago tomorrow that I started smoking again after quitting for a month. I hated that quit though. I was so miserable the whole time. I'm seeing the good stuff this time around though.


I couldn't take wellbutrin either do to anxiety. If you don't have depression issues, you can take chantix which works well. Happy Birthday and quitting smoking is the best present you can give yourself.


Do whatever it takes!  You will never be sorry you quit smoking; you WILL be sorry if you don't - that I can promise!

Be sure to distract yourself through the craves.  Here is a list of things to do if you need fresh ideas:

I don't see where anyone has given you the link to the free PDF of the Allen Carr book.  This is an easy, entertaining read, and contains a wealth of information on what nicotine does to the body and mind:

(Reading it is a great crave buster, too!)

You can do this - some days it will be a minute or an hour at a time, but pretty soon the hours will turn into days and the days into weeks.  At some point, you will notice it getting easier and easier.  It isn't easy in the beginning, but it IS doable and it is SO worth it!



Depression and anxiety seem to be holding hands and skipping through my head so I'll be taking something else. Chantix is out of the question. I took it before and it was awful!!


Happy Birthday. Sorru you are having difficulties.


Happy Birthday!!! Sorry you are having so many problems but hand in there because you will come to a good place soon.

Keep on adding those smoke free days.



Happy Birthday!!

Coming here and venting is good for you and listen to Nancy(youngatheart), she gives very good advice. You can do this and you will never regret quitting.  Freedom from nicotine is wonderful.


I had a hard time with these issues as well. Hang in there - there is a light at the end


Happy birthday stay strong a lot of us get increased anxiety I did when it goes away and we don't smoke over it we get stronger in our quit I am at 318 I think today don't miss it at all rare thoughts pop up very easy you will get there just takes time few months of some struggle for rest of your life of health and freedom is so worth it 


Happy birthday!  Hang in there!