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Another day of the "Easy Quit"

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OK, 19 days now!  I'm almost done being a teenager!  I guess the next time I will  do the teenager thing will be at 13 weeks!  

Since I followed some good advice from several of you, things seem to have evened out.  (Take patch off before bedtime).  My sleep quality has improved, so my mood and emotions are doing better.  There are fewer big triggers, and l'm having a lower number of crave moments.  

I want to know though, how many of you really think that this is the easy quit that Allen Carr talks about?!?!  I have to work very hard to stay sharp, to talk myself thru the craves, to ignore the temptations.  I get all his points and they have helped me, but it ain't easy.  And the posts I read would seem to confirm that it isn't easy.  I'm not complaining.  If it really were easy to quit, I'd have a cig or a pack every now and then cuz it would be easy, I'd quit again.  What do you all think of the word "Easy".



I've done my own study over the past 8 years. 🙂

I don't know if Alan Carr ever used the words Willingness NOT Willpower but I think he thought along those lines.

No it takes work to remind yourself you don't smoke and get through the first 130 days or so.


"Easy" is a wish when it comes to quitting.  Changing your mindset about quitting can help boost your possitive attitude and thus makes it easIER to move along the journey  But I never found it easy.  NRT's were created to make it easIER too.  There's ain't no magic pill that will rid us of all cravings at all times.  Now THAT is what I would call EASY - a magic pill.  But mindset plays a very important, if not crucial role in how your quit will go.  If you think it's going to be wretched - it will be.  If you think it will be a minor annoyance, it can be.  But that takes WORK.  Heading toward three weeks.  You are magnificent!


Terri, I agree – it ain't easy. I refused to read Allen Carr's book for years because it seemed ridiculous to have "Easy" in the title. There is nothing easy about overcoming a deadly addictive habit.
I read the book after I wrecked my 2-year quit. It radically changed my thoughts about smoking and quitting. I know now that I'm not giving up a pleasure or sacrificing something I enjoyed. I understand that smoking never comforted, relaxed, or helped me feel better about anything. I was just scratching an itch. And if I don't scratch, I won't itch.

I don't like his word "Easy," but Mr Carr did convince me that quitting is simple. Not complicated. Complete instructions in just two words: Don't Smoke.


Simple, not easy.


Maybe his book should have been titled "The Easiest Way to Quit Smoking." Maybe it was that easy for him, but I don't think it is for most people. To me, the "easy" part of this refers to the realization that there is no good reason to smoke, and that you in fact don't have to. Any reason you think you have to smoke is nicotine's lies. It will not help in any way, so why do it? Once you realize this it becomes much EASIER to quit, but probably not as easy as he claims for most people. Just remember there is no good reason to smoke, and that you don't need it, and you'll do fine. 


Terri - there is nothing easy about this but I do think that with the right attitude it is easier.  I think that by telling yourself " I can do this" rather than "I don't think that I am going to make it" makes it easier.  You are doing great!!!!


"Easy" is not how I would describe it but knowing what you're up against makes it easy-er.  There's no shortcut to this, but I often reminded myself that things WOULD get better.  I didn't know when, but I knew they would if I just stuck it out long enough.


Great Job Terri making it to 19 days! you are doing this. You are knocking this quit out of the park. Keep going one day at a time. and always remember N.O.P.E. 


Quitting smoking is definitely not easy but it's definitely worth it .



For me it was "easier" than I ever thought it would be! I smoked for 40 years and I just didn't think it was even possible. I got past the fear and was amazed that I could do it. Also, deciding to be as happy as possible - and accepting and honoring my decision- meant that it indeed really was "easier"! Carr showed me that I wasn't giving up anything of value - and that helped so much! It takes work for sure - but it is doable! 

Congrats on 19 days! 


Ouitting smoking was very, very difficult for me.  BUT I DID IT.  You can too!


Good job, no GREAT job!


I never felt like it was easy but I did feel like it was nowhere near as HARD as I built it up to be, of course, that is looking back on the first days.  I don't think quitting is easy but it is so worth it.