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Share your quitting journey

Another attempt

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I don't really remember now about how many times I have tried to quit. Each day I think I will not smoke today and each day I give up into the desire, the temptation to have that one more cigarette.The worst part is how my brain rationalizes about having another cigarette. I have recently cut down on the number of cigarettes I smoke, which now stands at about 5 cigarettes a day. I really want to give up for good this time and I would appreciate pointers on curbing my desire for cigarette. I have read everything about nicotine addiction and yet it does not stop me from having one more. I am fed up of this constant battle everyday, but this time I am reaching out in the belief that community support will do me good. I have seen people around me mock me whenever I mention about quitting, I understand that Iam to blame partly because after every week I say I will quit but Ialways come back to smoking. I have come to terms with the fact that I am an addict and I need help to get rid of this horrible drug. Wish me luck and I hope I will find positive support here, only an ex smoker can understand the agony of being so weak mentally that you can not give up.


Hello and have come to the right place...

Others will come along to get you material to read (some of which maybe you haven't read yet)...

I, for sure, understand the everyday quitting thing...been there many a time...

You get tired of it thou...I'm sure you are too...Listen, you CAN quit this addiction...


You are not weak at are, we are, addicted to nicotine, plain & simple...

Good thing is, the addiction can be dealt with, and you can have your freedom from this deadly addiction...You are already on your way!!

Reread everything...come here will win...keep trying!!!


Thank you for your lovely words. I have contemplated on my previous quits and reached the conclusion that every one of them were missing a community approach. Hope this does me good.


don't cut down anymore or you may throw yourself into withdrawal

why be there any longer than necessary?



The MOST important thing you can do is educate yourself about the nicotine addiction by reading, reading and more reading… Congratulations on the best decision you could possibly make for yourself and your loved ones…

It takes the mindset that we aren't giving up anything...we are doing it because we want to and not signing up for a lifetime of deprivation but a lifetime of freedom...that is the personal journey no one can take for us...We will be here for you every step of the way! xo

"YOU are worth SO MUCH MORE than a cigarette" xo

Alan Carr Easy Way to Quit Smoking:

A good read to understand nicotine addiction:  


Making the decision to come on here was the best thing you can do for you quit! I honestly didn't think anyone would respond to me if I posted anything, but the amount of support is amazing. We are a quit smoking army here! We all understand what it's like to be a smoker and will help you along the way. Everyone has their own method to quit, and it really comes down to whatever works best for you. Take what you've learned from your past quits and make adjustments to what will work for you now. I know you can do this!! 


Thank you everyone. I have to say the support is overwhelming, makes me feel great 🙂


Prepare... get yourself ready to quit ... really ready.. if you need an aide.. so be it.. some people do and some people don't ... the ultimate goal is to quit.

You will quit.... you don't keep coming back because you don't want to quit...

If it helps ... I smoked for 45 years and never, ever thought it possilble to quit.. the first three days kind of test you but if you can make it through ... you can do this!


Welcome to our community!

Please do ALL the reading recommended.  You will be amazed, I think, at how much you don't know.  Education, I think, is the BEST thing you can do to prepare for your quit.

I am so glad you found us.  We will be with you every step of the way.



Suggestion.... Don't tell anyone you're "quitting". It's really none of their business anyway. It's YOUR life and YOUR decision. Just do it. If they want to notice they will. If not... so what. It's not about them. It's about saving your own life and taking control. You CAN do it 🙂


Make a plan and plan to succeed in quitting! Don't attempt to quit, QUIT! Smoking is just not an option for someone who doesn't smoke. There is no rational reason to smoke as much as you think there is. Sometimes we are our own worse enemy. 


Yes my friend there is one more thing that is crucial for a successful quit....

A DECISION to quit and honoring that decision minute by minute day by day no matter what happens, how you feel or anything else! You simply DO what it takes.

I had more than a few tears, beating up pillows & screaming, furious jumping jacks until I could barely breathe at all...

I stayed focused, determined and nothing was going to change it!!!

Here is what a fellow EXer posted from a friend of his on another site:

"It isn't enough to pick a 'quit' isn't enough to run out and stock up on hard candies, or celery sticks, or apple isn't enough to tell everyone about the 'great quit date' isn't enough to go through the ritual of the smoking the last cigarette, of cleaning out the ash trays, of throwing away the isn't enough to walk away from those cigarettes.....

You have to want that quit, heart and soul, you have to want that quit just as much as you want your next breath, you have to take care of that quit as if it were a sick child....with tender loving arms, you have to decide each day that your life is worth so much more than a tobacco filled tube. You have to FEEL that quit, starting from your toes, all the way up to the top of your head. You have to cherish each milestone, big and small...and build on them, like a sand castle. Each day adding granules of sand, to make that beautiful sculpture that you are so proud of.

At the end of each day, you have to smile and KNOW in your HEART that you did what was best for you, for your quit, because if you don't feel it as strong as life itself, then it will eventually slip away out to sea.

I realized today that I want this quit, there is NOTHING that I will give it up for. NOTHING!!!!!"

It is always a choice and the choice is always yours! xo

We are all here for you. Make the choice, do all the reading and come here daily and read and let us know how we help.

Thank you everyone, Thanks a lot!


you will succeed in quiting need to stay positive and stop listening to those people who mock you.they don't understand that their behaviour is making it harder for you to quit .people who don't smoke don't seem to understand actually how hard it is to quit smoking.stay positive and know every one is supporting you here.stay strong.