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Another Road Trip to Remember

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Howdy all from Deep South Texas. I don't come here often but do check in with some folks on FB or personal email. I have got 630 days nicotine free and I really don't think about smoking anymore. For those who struggle with certain triggers let me tell you they can be conqured and life is so much better without those stinking cigarettes. Hubby and I left at the end of July for a 4.5 week roadtrip that took us to visit family and friends, all of the 9/11 memorials and the Oklahoma City Memorial. We put 7,300 miles on our new Jetta that has never been smoked in and getting an impressive 43-50 mpg (diesel) to boot. Our route took us from TX to NC where my niece is stationed and her 2nd child who was born with a heart problem had sucessfull open heart surgery at 5 days old. A stay in Atlantic Beach, NC for a few days of food and surf then up to Maryland to Assateague State Park with family and camping but we chickened out and statyed with my sister in DE for a week, a day trip to NYC to see the WTC memorial, Empire State Building, and Central Park. I drove and taught those cabbies a thing or two about how to navigate their streets LMAO! Back to Maryland to see the Pentagon Memorial stay with friends for a few days, off to PA to visit the Flight 93 memorial and stay with a cousin for a few days. On to Michigan to visit Hubby's friends and pay our respects to a fallen friend, Down to KY to stay with a cousin and visit the casinos. Next stop was Springfield MO where Bass Pro Shops is headquartered and a side trip to an underground cavern that the tour drives 1/2 mile underground. Hubby went from top of Empire (heights he is not comfortable with) to underground, another less than comfortable place to be. On to OKC to visit a friend and the memorial there and off to Marble Falls Texas for a Vanishing Texas River Cruise that was fascinating with all the different granite and marble formations. Then home which I so missed our bed and dogs.  What a treat to visit new places and old and not having to sneak out to smoke. I realized how much of my life was "wasted" when I had to wait on family who may have traveled with us to take their smoke breaks. I was there once myself and I hope that I was able to show them it can be done and that there are many excuses to continue smoking but overwhelmingly more reasons to quit.

 I have gotten my hubby into kayaking and we are in the process of converting an older Jet Ski trailer over to a Kayak trailer so the two of us can travel around getting exercise, fishing, and viewing the scenery. It is so much more simpler than dealing with all the gas issues our boats and skis have with this ethanol gas. We have 2 jet ski's now, use of a third Sea Doo and a fishing boat. So water sports it is until the "winter" comes.  Live your life to the fullest and never regret this wonderful smoke free journey. Life is sooo much better.