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Another Day smoke free

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Today is day 2! I know it seems like a small step but its a start. It felt very good to not light up while driving to work this morning. Sugar free gum seems to be my BFF today!! I thought I wanted one last night but after just one small drag I felt light headed and a put it out! 

I feel like my husband isnt fairing as well 😞

I could see him really struggling last night. But I boosted his confidence and let him know that we can do this!!!! He hasn't completly stopped but he has cut amount in half. For that I am very proud!!

Well its almost time to face on of the most challenging time of day for me and my triggers- LUNCH TIME!!!!

Wish me luck. I think I can do it!!



Hello! If you are quitting smoking, you must not have one puff ever! NOPE! This is very important, as it will keep your withdrawl going! Hang in there!


Terrie is right! Not One Puff Ever = NOPE

You are doing great but you can not have cigs anywhere near your face!  I KNOW you will make it smoke free through your lunch break!  There are no small steps quitting smoking; I counted every MINUTE a big step!!!  Keep it up!


We all know how to smoke - and even allowing yourself one puff, or cutting down is a slippery slope.

It would be better if you just make the decision and stick to it - NO MATTER WHAT.  Get busy when any cravings hit - take deep breaths, or go for a walk, or call a friend, or come here and read or blog - just don't smoke!



They are right, as long as you give your body nicotine no matter how little it keeps wanting more. So NOT ONE PUFF EVER  is the rule to quit with.


you can do this if you really want to..

Woohoo 2 days of freedom...that awesome! Congratulations..keep saying NOPE and keep racking up those days!! WTG

Quiting can't be done tentatively! You've come this far - now make it 100%! You can do this!


You can do this, quitting smoking is definitely difficult to say the least but it's absolutely doable and so very worth it to get rid of the crutch of cigarettes. N.O.P.E - NOT One Puff Ever will give you a beautiful smoke free life and it's super fantastic once you get through the rough patches which may take a few weeks but once we realize how many yrs we smoked it only stands to reason that it's going to take some time to relearn different ways of handling situations without smoking, stay strong and stay close to this site because we're all here for you. 


Another day smoke free?  Really?   This is Day 2 of .. what exactly?  I'm confused.  You took a puff of a cigarette last night, so what exactly is this day 2 OF?  Trying to quit?  I guess that's what I'd call it.  Because taking a puff is certainly not day two of being smoke free.  Right?  Or... how exactly are YOU defining smoke free?  Smoke free to most of our minds here means not inhaling any smoke.  So taking a puff is not being smoke free.  But please, tell us how you can justify that statement.  Maybe we’re all wrong here?
Luck I wish you, but it has nothing to do with quitting.  Quitting has to do with commitment.  Commitment doesn’t allow for slippage.  So I think I’d rather wish you commitment than luck.  (My opinion only.  Take what you like and leave the rest.)


it sounds to me like your husband is not into this "quitting thing."

And it app[earsyou are a little unsure yourself.

Anyone can quit. Whether you do or don't is up to you.

I coined a phrase years ago. "If you've quit smoking and you're stilkl smoking, you're doing it wrong."


Here's to hoping that puff was enough negative reinforcement to keep you from lighting up again. It took me several times to try to quit before it actually 'stuck'....the difference for me was realizing that this is such a powerful addiction that you really have to accept that if you want to stop, you can't ever have a puff again.  But that's too overwhelming so just start with a promise to yourself to not smoke today.  Keep it up C!!  You can do this!!


There has to be a PLAN in place so you can access it in the instant your ‘crazy head’ ie: addiction… starts talking...You must be ready to

"Act with integrity in the moment of choice"

It is in that fleeting moment you think you want to smoke that you must "Kick the thoughts to the curb" and immediately do one of the distraction techniques that you have previously planned and have in your handy dandy quit kit…The craving/crazy passes in a few minutes WHETHER OR NOT YOU SMOKE so the idea is to jump into a distraction so you don’t ‘dwell’ and let the thought take hold.

“The only way out is through” Never give up and whatever you do keep on the site… 


Craving Kickers

Did you know most cravings only last 3 to 5 minutes?

20 Craving Kickers

1. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What do I really want right now?” Keep asking yourself the question til you figure out what you really need right now (probably not really a smoke).

2. Drink a glass of water.

3. Call a friend.

4. Write down 3 things you are grateful for in your life.

5. Do 25 jumping jacks.

6. Take a 3-5 minute walk.

7. Go brush your teeth.

8. Paint your nails. (OK Guys TRIM your nails!)

9. Get a jar of bubbles and go blow bubbles

10. Play your favorite music and dance for a bit.

11. Write down 3 reasons you want to be smoke free.

12. Chomp on some raw veggies or fruit. The crunchier the better!

13. Cut a straw into the length of a cigarette and chew on it. Or use a cinnamon stick.

14. Get out some paper and doodle.

16. Take 5 minutes and write yourself a love note.

17. Do a crossword puzzle or Sudoku.

18. Imagine how you will feel tonight knowing you made it another day smoke-free!

19. Find a video on YouTube that makes you laugh. Congrats, you made it!

20. Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I love you and I will take care of you”.



If I confuse you that much, please keep off MY blog! Everytime I post anything you have something negitive to say! YOU seriously make me want to say THE HELL with this site! 

But thank you to everyone else that are very supportive. 

I went all weekend with out so much as a thought of a cigarette!!!! 

It felt GREAT!!!!!!

Thank You everyone for the encouragment!!!