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Let’s not deny emotions. Ive had to yell.. negotiate..plead… to not just pull over and buy another vice .. I may be going crazy.. to find another outlet…. 


@Kuymuchulol It sounds like you started your quit?    I know you've been working towards a date.   If you're talking about being emotional from quitting, that is very common element of nicotine withdrawal.   It's important to replace the dopamine lost when quitting to help with the symptoms.  Exercise, mediation, listening to music, dancing, etc.

And don't forget some deep breathing exercises.


Stay busy and stay close.




Sounds like you quit smoking, emotions all over the place. You have to go through it. It is worth all the stress to get to a great place. Stick close to this site.  We all need support to get through it. Congratulations on quitting smoking.


Looks like you have NINE days under your belt?  Congratulations!

The early days of a quit suck; they just do.  You will get through them however you can.  Get through them, though,  you must.  The only way out of this addiction is to go through  withdrawal from the drug.

To handle the anger, try going for a hard and fast walk, swinging your arms, and maybe repeating a mantra like, "NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)."  You can also defuse it by marching in place, punching a pillow, or calming it with slow/deep breaths, going slower and deeper with each repetition.

This IS going to get easier as you get time under your belt.  Giving in will lose you the days you have accumulated and you will just have to go through them again with the next quit attempt.  One of the reasons I quit on my only attempt was because I never wanted to put myself through those early days again!

It IS going to get easier.  Hang in there until it does!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Stay strong @Kuymuchulol finding distractions, changing your routine that triggers you are helpful tips at the beginning stages of your quit. Stay strong! You got this!

Quiana, EX Team


You are not crazy.  As long as you feed this addiction, everything is good and well.  When you don't feed the monster, it gets reallly angry and mad.  It lashes out!


Hang tough @Kuymuchulol hell week done! Heck week you are in the mist of....I'm at 99 days and can safely say now each week that passes it does get easier. Easier to pass the cig store, the negotiating and pleading begin to subside...I remember so well the panic that I'm hearing in your words. It's so worth the pain you feel now to be free of this addiction

Be kind to yourself we all can do this


@Cbefree Wow.  99 days.  That's fabulous.   Stop by to tomorrow to celebrate that 100 day achievement   That is a major milestone on your journey.



Thank you to everyone @Barbscloud @Cbefree @biscuit9 @CommunityAdmin @YoungAtHeart , for sharing you support, Your love, and your stories! Honestly, this does give me more motivation to stay strong. The first few days were a whirlwind of emotions , absolutely, but now the cravings, are like, totally rallying for the slip up. So far I’ve been good, but yall are right! I need a health distraction. I think the breathe, the walking, something, will be my next go to. And yea, my depression hits hard right now which makes me want to smoke even more. Sending love to everyone who’s been smoke free and giving me support along the way!