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Share your quitting journey

And then one day, I never smoked again...

0 13 47

I hope to be saying that 20 years from now.  Today is my quit day.  I got up this morning, slapped on my patch, broke my last two ciggerettes in pieces, and went on about life.  I've smoked for 38 years and have never tried to quit but this is the right time for me.  I am done dealing with the bronchitis, sinus infections, and constant drag and drain and toll it has taken on my body.  I don't even have a desire to smoke.  Wish me luck and please keep me lifted up so I don't fail and thanks for all of your support in advance!

13 Comentarios

Keep the QUITITUDE that you have now and you'll be fine!!

Candy    d129


You can do this its nice having the support on here I too suffer from the sinus infections and was always tired no luck here is what I was told just decisions reading helps a lot here is a good link


Thanks Candy and Green thumb, I'll read when I get home tonight.  My sinus infection turned to bronchitis turned to pneumonia turned to a lung infection.  Just can't do it anymore.  So looking forward to getting back to hiking and moving around and breathing again and getting healthy.


Welcome to the group!    If you are serious about quitting you have found the right place.   You do need to get all the information you can get about the addiction part of this thing!  Reading here will help you with that.     There will be more links coming your way, read them!     Do the steps from the site/watch the videos/blog/read/listen to the Elders and the Wise Ones....they know what they are talking about.    When something is said that "clicks" for you "click" on that person's picture and go read their profile and old blogs.   There is so much inspiration here!    And if you do the work, we will provide the support.  And, by the way, it isn't about Gnu would say "luck is for Vegas".      Here is a link for a book that many have read and find helpful:   Alan Carr online book

  and if you want to join some of each day and pledge to not smoke that day you can come to this site:
  Hope to see more of you!
  Sharon 165 days of Freedom!

read the top of my page. There is a roadmap of sorts telling you what to expect and what to look forward to


Wishing you the best for a Great Quit!!!



Congratulations on your decesion. Attitude and desire go a long way in having a successful quit. Educating yourself on the addiction, see all the available links, and calling out for help when you need it are the other factors. If you have a bad day, come back and read your own post as well as others. I have faith in you. 

stop smoking inspiration pictures free - Google Search


Marmac, that quote is absolutely perfect and that's just how I feel, thanks for sharing!   Thanks for all of your support everybody  Made it through a full day at work and I honestly did not even crave a smoke so the patches must be doing their job.  It will take a behavior modification for the habit's to get used to but when my usual smoke time came, I just said, sorry don't smoke any more.  2nd time smoke time came around, I followed the herd right out the door and when they all stopped and lit up, I laughed and kept on walking.  All the way around my building.  When I got back, they were all walking in the door.  It's a process and that worked for me!  Whoo hoo, one day down!


Good job, and good for you to decide to quit and reach out for support.


Congrats on your quit! I smoked for 40 years and I quit on the first attempt - so you can do this! Actually I wouldn't even call it am "attempt" - I decided I needed to be determined! It worked! Be sure to check out the reading Smorgy (Sharon) gave you. I also liked the free course -

Congrats again! Stick around! 


Welcome to Ex friend! I saw that you posted this on a blog today:

"I have no doubt that at some point I will slip, suck it up, and move on with my quit program."

SO much about quitting is in our 'self-talk' about quitting because it is a total 'mind over matter' & 'distraction' game to start...

I get the feeling after visiting your page and reading your 1st blog that you thought saying that would be supportive to that person who had just smoked and blown their quit and while a very nice sentiment does not help either one of you!

Your blog title above is absolutely the way to go from here! It is so true! One day and you just will never smoke again...The best part is you will have this whole new addiction free life and wonder what took you so long! xo


Congrats on quitting ! I didn't plan my quit, it planned itself. I had the flu and then pneumonia which is almost gone now. I have wanted to quit for so many years and just was never able to do it. so after 2 1/2 weeks of not smoking it would be so stupid to start smoking again so I am quitting. and I know I will need help. reading your post about your first day at work and walking around the building while the others smoked was awesome! I know I have many challenges ahead. I will think of your post as I am challenged and tempted. thanks and good luck!


Ladybug, that's cool, you can do it.  Honestly?  it hasn't been that difficult for me.  I think once I wrapped my head around the fact that it was the smoking that was keeping me sick for six months, I was done.  I didn't want to smoke anymore and I havent.  I just keep walking and now my nickname at work is Forrest Gump.  Instead of Run Forest Run, it's walk Lynn walk.  The fact that I can actually breath while walking has kept me motivated and now at lunch, I eat real quik and throw on my sneakers and have to other gals that join me for 3 laps around the building.  You do what you gotta do and I actually feel healthy again evern though it's only been 12 days.  Good luck to you!