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Share your quitting journey

An Idea

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I have an Idea, and if I mull it over too much, I will dismiss it.  Is there anyone out here in Ex -Ville that would like to host/hostess a virtual gift-giving xmas party, say, on Dec. 20th?  A party to end all party's?  Or begin them anyhoo. Jo used to throw some doosies.  A party where we give and recieve virtual gifts for each other?  Hey?  Any takers?  I cannot do any posting of any pics whatsoever, so we need someone VERY talented in that Dept.  Maybe 2-3 of you to share the host/hostessing fun?  Yes?  

Annnnnnnndddddddddddddd.....Maybe a Bonfire on New Years Eve?   

Hey?  Step on up, I know you want to!  

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Hmmmm virtual gift giving.  Kind of like the gifts Irish used to give people for their milestones on the Freedom Train?  Interesting idea Owl.  Interested in what others have to say.



I didnt win the Powerball.... but I could give out MILLIONS of $$$$ in virtual gift giving!!  I LOVE the idea..... so awesome!'

Can someone buy me a new ICP?   Possibly a GC/Mass Spec?  Oh, heck... a brand new building for my Lab.......with unlimited electricity AND water?? 

The possibilities are endless!!  🙂


Come on Kris! You have to ask for things that people have a clue what you are talking about! ICP!  My imagination runs wild with that one! GC/Mass Spec, I was just thumbing through the Sears catalogue, and I did not see any of those! A building with water and electricity! That we can do! Anything for you! As long as we know what it is!

Perhaps I should put in a request for a heart that does not require a cath every 54 days! Or rooms for everyone in Las Vegas for May 17th thru the 20th!

We are soooooooo overdue for a bonfire! I have had that thought for several months, but I can't seem to stay out of the hospital long enough to do anything! Somebody grab this idea and run with it!

Thanks Owlfeather!                 Tommy


Sounds like fun owl.  long as I am able I am in


@ Tommy...LOL at ICP!   Hahahaaaa!!!!!!  

Well now, it looks as if this may become a wish list, hey?  

How about whoever is running the Freedom Train also host/hostess the gift exchange at the same time?  On the Train?  

My xmas wish list....After every child is fed, clothed, sheltered and loved, and after the nicotine addictions are wiped off this Earth,.....and Tommy doesn't have to do the cath anymore ever, 

I want....Tipi,  Mini Motor Home, so I can visit my kids/grandkids in Ariz in winter, lots of pretty yarn, seed beeds, a deer and elk hide, be able to go to Vegas in May.  Oh.  And I would like Santa to bring Sky Girl a training quit bike with training wheels on it.  Getting too big for her trycycle. 

Kris....Really?  REALLY????  WORK REQUESTS????  Oh hell no.  


i could use some new kidneys and an esophagus if anyone has those laying around. maybe a trade in on the prostate too.


a spam gun and oh, a big barge to send it all back to chinkadina


OH, I vote for room's in Vegas !!!!  But, really sounsd's like a great idea. I'll help all I can, but,my computer is dieing again, yes, the brand new one !!!  This is the one I just got back from Toshiba from b eing worked on  for line's across the screen. It's doing the same thing again. It worked like 6 week's !!!!


Well... there you go... I say I want an 'ICP' and you all's imagnation runs wild..... Now.... our beloved Owl says  'Tipi' and no one bats an eyelash!?!?!  Hahahaha.....  What's with all this talk about 'P' ??

A short lesson in Chemistry.... an ICP is an instrument that uses a carrier gas (in this case Argon) and couples with a flame that separates heavy metals.... all metals..... into their own separate spectra...... and they are read by the Photometer!   Easy-'P'esy!

But is all seriousness..... I want for nothing.  I have my problems..... I could use more dough (not on my body... in my purse)  I could wish to be happier..... richer.... more attractive..... but I wish for all of us..... Good Health..... kindness, given and recieved...... and most of all, an abundance of Love........ and of course...  a smokefree existance for all.

Dale..... I can offer you a Kidney..... sorry but the prostrate is out.  I kinda need my esophagus..... but I am praying yours is healing and getting better every day!

Tommy...... {{hug}}  Just sayin'..............   😉

Owl..... I gotta work.  It makes me happy.  If I can't be hugging my Grandbabies..... my work is the other thing that makes me happy.  This is a wonderful idea..... this blog. And, oh yes... VEGAS IN MAY!!!!   I WILL BE THERE!!!! ♥♥


Hi there Owl! Both the party and Bon Fire sound lime fabulous ideas!! Love it! Perhaps a  a little virtual "Secret Santa" - just don't know how to work that angle!! 


Maybe we could exchange names.  If we got our names now, it would give us enough time to study up and come up with just the right gift.  Problem is, who would hold the name list?  How could that be accomplished?  maybe we could each just pick 5 people to buy for.  But then I'm afraid Dale would get 1,000 gifts and someone would get none.  Hmm, logistics, logistics.

Well, I'm in if we can come up with a plan.


You know, Stone, between you and Kathy, I think you have something there!  Would either one of you want to be keeper of names?  I would be willing to help there too.  so would we just post once a day or so ,  asking for an RSVP?  collect names of those who will attend that way?  What do you guys think?  


I could use an extra five hour day.  Anybody got that?  Just to find out what an ICP is.  Spent the past 10 minutes looking it UP!:

Incident Command Post

integrated care pathway

Inductively Coupled Plasma

Those were the first Google offerings.  Mine would be:  I Can't Participate;  Introspective Cantankerous Platitudes, I Care Personally, Isometric Contortionist Programming, Imbeciles Connecting Playfully, Important Considerations Pondered, I Can Putz... you see why I need more hours in the day?

SPAM GUN!!!  Yes.  We all could use one of those.  But one that's like the prostate TURP vaporizer - that way we wouldn't need the barge to China, Dale.  Though if we all could go along with Viking Horns on our heads it might be worth the trip.  Scare the cr@p outta them spammers.

But yeah, I too would vote for the free room in Vegas so we could all meet each other and lose our minds in happy delirium of smoke freedom!  ARE there any smoke free rooms in Vegas??? 

Whaddo I think?  I think you're NUTS trying to have a cyber Christmas Santa party five days before Christmas.  Crazy, stress-making time has already begun. Well - you ASKED.  lol






THAT... is the beauty of a 'cyber party'  You can make it happen in minutes!  🙂

YES, Giulia...It is the Inductively Coupled Plasma!  WINNER!!  We have a WINNER!!  Hahaha.... see... that took no time at all!!

And because you asked for is the spam gun!!   And....... now for that free room in Vegas..............................




I got it - I C P . . .




(i.e., laying low) - ha!


Haha...  *LIKE*