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An Apology to All from Yesquit

0 7 10

Dear BecomeAnEx Members,

I am new, started the end of July. It took me a few days to leartn how to work this site.So if you've been reading my posts - you'll see apologies from me. The reason I had apologized on the blog was I had sent messages to a few (not many members) hoping that they would write me back to support my quit smoking goal.

When I would check my BecomAnEx messages, I noticed that I wasn't getting any return messages. For those of you who may have gotten messages from me, you wil see it would have only been about smoking.

THEN, I learned by trial and error that if I wrote on the blog, members would respond to me from there and I could see their messages by pressing comments. I just recently discoverd that I can re read those same mesages on my personal email, but can't respond from that email.

It is so unfortunate if people take such a good thing and try to make a bad thing out of it. I am glad that I now know the appropriate way to send messages to members. Everyone has a level of privacy they try to maintain in their lives.


yes, you see the messages in your personal email but you can only respond from the site.


and thank God everything posted here isn't automatically posted on facebook.

facebook is like a big tattletale don't you think?


I too found all the different places for messages abit confusing, so don't feel bad.  Glad you figured things out.  Best of luck on your journey.  Today is day 7 for me.


There is also what we call stie mail. It shows up in your Inbox and messages there are private - only between you and the writter. It is bad form to copy and paste anything in one of those private messages (also called pm's) to another or on a blog. That's why it is private!

Once you get the hang of if here, this site and all the active members can be such a help to you. Stick close to the blogs! See you around!

Oh by the way - Yes you can!!!


I found the site a bit confusing too. Now I have learned, sign in, go to community at top, click it then go to my page, click it, then look on left side 🙂


I found the site a bit confusing too. Now I have learned, sign in, go to community at top, click it then go to my page, click it, then look on left side 🙂


It IS a bit confusing at first but don't ever feel embarrassed to ask or make a mistake.  All of us, having been new ourslves, understand.